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Send a letter of advice to your younger brother to be regular in his studies.

Dear Arif,

Hey there! I hope this email finds you well. I heard through the grapevine that you might not be giving your studies your full attention. I'm kind of bummed to hear that you're not really focusing on your schoolwork. You know, all the cool stuff and good times that come your way in life often depend on how much effort you put into your studies. Since I'm your big brother, I just wanted to give you a little advice.

Listen up! Your teachers and other grown-ups around you, they've got some pretty smart ideas about how to do well in school. It might be a good idea to follow their lead. They're like the experts in this game of learning.

Well, that's it for today. I really hope you take my words to heart. I want nothing but success for you in every single moment of your future. You've got this!

Sending you lots of big brother love,

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