- Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him at the marriage ceremony.
- Write a letter to your friend thanking him to his hospitality
- Write a letter to your friends inviting him to join the picnic.
- Write a letter to your friend inviting hime to your birthday anniversary.
- a letter to your father for sending money/asking for some money to buy books.
- Letter to Your Friend Describing a Marriage Ceremony You Attended Recently
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Recent Visit to a Place of Historical Interest
- Letter to Your Friend About a Street Accident You Have Witnessed Recently
- Letter to Your Friend Describing the Picnic You Have Enjoyed Recently
- Letter to Your Friend Describing How You Are Staying and Enjoying in Your Village Home
- Letter to Your Friend Informing Her of Your Success in a Debate Competition
- Letter to Your Friend Describing the Present Situation of Dhaka City
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Asking Him to Be Disciplined and Regular in His Daily Life
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Be Disciplined and Attentive to His Studies
- Letter to Your Son Letting Him Know the True Identity of a Gentleman
- Letter to Your Friend About the Importance of Reading Newspaper
- Letter to Your Friend Living Abroad Describing the Rainy Season of Bangladesh
- Letter to Your Friend Recollecting Some Past Memories with Him
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Present Status and Activities in Dhaka
- Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Examination
- Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Importance of Value of Time
- Letter to Your Friend About Your Favourite Game
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Recent River Journey to Sundarbans
- Letter to Your Friend Suggesting to Gain Computer Knowledge after Examination
- Letter to Your Friend Informing him of the Harmful Effect of Taking Coffee and Tea
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Giving Some Hints to Learn English Properly
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Suggesting to Choose His Aim in Life
- Letter to Your Friend About the Nobel Peace Prize of Dr. Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank
- Letter of Condolence to Your Friend Who Has Recently Lost His Father
- Letter to Your Friend About the Frequent Load-shedding in Your Locality
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Feeling After Reading a Book
- Letter of Sympathy to a Sick Friend in Hospital
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Recent Journey by Bus
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising to Improve His Study Plan
- Letter to Your Friend About the Activities and Success of Grameen Bank
- Letter to Your Friend About Your Recent Visit to Aparajeo Bangla
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your University Hostel Life
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Be Regular to His Studies
- Letter to Your Friend About Your Admission After Passing the SSC Examination
- Letter to Your Mother Telling Her About Your Hostel Life
- Letter to Your Friend Informing Your Recent Activities and Present Status in Dhaka
- Letter to Your Friend About the Accommodation Problem of Garments' Workers
- Letter to Your Friend Letting Him Know Your Plan After Final Examination
- Letter to Your Friend Describing How You Spend Your Recent Summer Vacation
- Letter to Your Friend Describing the Dangers of Smoking
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Journey by Boat
- Letter to the Hotel Manager Complaining About the Substandard Service of His Restaurant
- Letter to Your Friend Thanking Him for Sending You a Nice Birthday Present
- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About the Study Tour You Recently Enjoyed
- Letter to Your Father Informing Him of Your Plan After Examination
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Telling Him How to Study For the Coming Exam
- Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Exam
- Letter to Your Friend Stressing the Importance of Learning English
- Letter to Your Friend Informing of Your Plan After Your Final Exam
- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About the Importance of Technical Knowledge
- Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Importance of Reading Newspaper
- Letter to Your Mother About Your Preparation for the Ensuing Examination
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Prepare Well for the Final Examination
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part in Sports and Games
- Letter to Your Friend Giving Details of a Job You Have Recently Got
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Keep Away from Politics of Arms
- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Why You Want to Go Abroad After Your Graduation
- Letter to Your Father Informing Him of Your Plan to Visit a Few Neighbouring Countries After Your Examination
- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him of How You have Prepared for the Ensuing Examination
- Letter to Your Friend Declining His Invitation
- Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Join a Picnic
- Letter to Your Friend Who Expressed His Condolence on Your Father's Death
- Letter to Your Friend Asking Him to Return the Book He Borrowed From You
- Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Spend the Summer Vacation with You
- A letter to your father explaining the cause of your failure in examination.
- A letter of condolence to your friend on the death of his mother.
- Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Importance of Reading Newspaper
- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About the Importance of Technical Knowledge
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Suggesting to Choose His Aim in Life.
- Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Exam
- Letter to Your Friend Describing How You Spend Your Recent Summer Vacation
- Letter to Your Friend Describing the Dangers of Smoking.
- Write A Letter To Your Best Friend.
- Letter to Your Friend Describing Your University Hostel Life.
- Write a letter to a friend congratulating her/him on performing pilgrimage.
- Write a letter to a friend asking him to lend you his camera.
- Write a letter to a friend telling him about the profession you want to adopt.
- Write a letter to your younger brother forbidding him to join politics.
- Write a letter to a friend thanking him for his gift of books.
- Letter to the editor of a newspaper about mismanagement in utility stores.
- write a letter to your uncle thanking him for spending holidays with him.
- Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for her/his gift in your birthday party.
- Write a letter to your friend , how you have celebrated Pahela Boishakh.
- Write a letter to your friend about the importance of reading newspaper.
- Q: Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for your upcoming MT Examination.
- Write a letter to your friend to join in the summer vacation with you.
- Write a teller to your friend about how to improve in English
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend your Birthday Party
- Letter to friend about the recent visit to hill region.
- Write a letter to your friend for borrowing a book from him
- Write a letter to your friend about your new experience of a fixed price shop.
- A letter to your friend congratulation on him/her on his/her brilliant success in the S S C examination.
- A letter to the Editor on the impact of mass media and social medias.
- Letter to Friend, on reading daily newspaper
- Letter to the Headmaster Prayer for Leave of Absence
- Write a letter to the Postmaster about the loss of an important letter- formal letter.
- A letter to friend on tree plantation programme|| a tree plantation programme in school||. A letter about tree planting
- Letter to the headmaster on the set up of a cycle shed.
- Write an editorial letter on the use of loudspeakers causing disturbance to the normal life.
- Write a letter to the editor about the bad quality of food during train journey?
- A letter to friend on an exciting incident happened on your way to school
- Letter to the editor about the felling of trees.
- Letter to police station about heavy traffic conjestion
- Write a letter to your friend telling about how your school deferrers from his
- A letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend a few days with you during the summer vacation
- Write a letter to your friend about annual sports day of your school
- Write a letter to your friend describing your daily routine/a Typical day of your life
- A letter to your cousin describing your experience about the Dhaka Zoo
- Write a letter to your friend about your family
- Write a letter to your brother advising to him be serious about his studies
- A letter to your pen friend describing our National Memorial at Savar
- Write a letter to your father asking him to send you some money
- A letter to your friend describing the picnic you enjoyed
- Write a letter to your friend about the importance/benefit of Physical exercise
- Write a letter to your friend consoling his/her mother’s /father’s sudden death
- Write a letter to your friend about your village
- Write a letter to your friend about your hostel life
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic
- Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice present/gift
- A letter to your friend in the Australia telling him about the foods and food habits in Bangladesh
- Write a letter to your friend about your plane journey
- Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of taking food in a restaurant
- Write a letter to your father inquiring about the prices of the necessaries of daily life in your locality
- Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent the summer vacation
- Write A Letter to your Friend Congratulating Her Brilliant Success
- Write A Letter My First Day At College/School
- A Letter to your sick friend who is now in a Hospital expressing your condolence.
- Write a Latter Physical Exercise
- Price rising a letter
- a letter of sympathy for your friend's failure in the examination.
- a letter to your brother about the usefulness of reading newspapers.
- A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him What You Intend To Do After The SSC Examination
- Write A Letter About the Importance of Reading Newspaper Regularly
- Letter describing observance of Pahela Baishakh
- Letter about the co-curricular activities
- Letter about the environment of your school
- Letter on bad effects of telling lies
- Letter on hostel life
- Letter about the importance of reading newspaper
- Letter about the bad effects of keeping evil companies
- Letter thanking for hospitality
- Letter on importance of sports and games
- A letter to the HM for online classes during lock down for corona virus or covid 19 ?
- Letter describing a place of historical interest
- A Letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school । আপনার স্কুলের সহ-পাঠ্যক্রমিক ক্রিয়াকলাপ বর্ণনা করে আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি চিঠি
- A Letter to your friend thinking him for sending you a nice gift on your last birthday । আপনার শেষ জন্মদিনে আপনাকে একটি সুন্দর উপহার পাঠানোর জন্য আপনার বন্ধুকে ধন্যবাদ জানিয়ে একটি চিঠি । Letter-Writing
- A Letter to your younger brother/sister describing the importance of co-curricular activities in later life । আপনার ছোট ভাই/বোনকে একটি চিঠি পরবর্তী জীবনে সহ-পাঠ্যক্রমিক ক্রিয়াকলাপগুলির গুরুত্ব বর্ণনা করে
- A Letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise । আপনার ছোট ভাইকে একটি চিঠি যা শারীরিক অনুশীলনের গুরুত্ব বর্ণনা করে । Letter-Writing
- A Letter to your pen friend describing her about your country । আপনার বিদেশ বন্ধুকে আপনার দেশ সম্পর্কে বর্ণনা করে একটি চিঠি লিখুন । Letter-Writing
- How To Write a Letter | Example of a Formal Letter
- Informal Letter/Letter Writing Writing Rules । Informal Letter/Letter Writing-লেখার নিয়ম
- Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after the SSC Examination । আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি চিঠি এসএসসি পরীক্ষার পরে আপনি কী করতে চান তা তাকে জানিয়ে । Letter-Writing
- Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise । আপনার ছোট ভাইকে একটি চিঠি যা শারীরিক অনুশীলনের গুরুত্ব বর্ণনা করে । Letter-Writing
- Write a letter to your friend about the picnic । আপনার বন্ধুকে পিকনিক সম্পর্কে একটি চিঠি লিখুন । Letter-Writing
- Write a letter to your mother telling her about your progress of studies । আপনার পড়াশোনার অগ্রগতি সম্পর্কে আপনার মাকে একটি চিঠি লিখুন । Letter-Writing
- Letter to friend about important places in kolkata to visit
- Write a letter telling your friend about Bangladesh and her people । আপনার বন্ধুকে বাংলাদেশ এবং তার লোকদের সম্পর্কে একটি চিঠি লিখুন । Letter-Writing
- Suppose, you are Alauddin/Akhi. You have a friend named Joy/Joya. Recently you have visited your friend's house and stayed for a few days with their family. Now, write a letter to your friend thanking him for their hospitality
- Suppose, you are Jikrul of 28 South Badda, Dhaka-1212. One of your bosom friends is eager to know about your aim in life . Now, write a letter to your friend about your aim in life.
- Imagine, you are Kaspia/Kasplan of 12, Mirpur Road, Dhaka. One of your friends is very weak in English. Now, write a letter to your friend Rosmin/Rosmina who lives at Patiya , Chittagong, telling him/ her about how to improve English.
- Suppose, you are Nabir living at at Oxford Mission Road, Barisal. You have a pen friend Jikrul who lives at 10 park street, USA. He wants to know about Bangladesh. Now, write a letter to your friend describing your country
- letter to Municipal chairman on poor drainage system, irregular clearance of garbages.
- letter to Headmaster of school for organising educational trip to a historical place
- letter to editor on the price rising of essential things
- letter to postmaster complaining about irregular delivery of letters, CHANGE OF ADDRESS
- letter to friend on confusion of students for corona virus, about uncertainity of exams
- letter to editor on problems of students during corona pandemic
- Request Letter (অনুরোধ পত্র)
- Thoughtless use of loudspeakers Letter to Editor
- What are the 'Golden Rules of Writing a Formal Letter?' | Study Table
- Editorial letter on awareness of corona virus
- Write a letter to the principal of your school, requesting him to arrange special classes for students of class X, who have missed their classes during the lockdown |
- Write a Consent Letter to School for sending your ward during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Study Table
- Letter to friend after reopening of school
- Write a letter to the Transport Officer describing him about the Deplorable State of the Public Transport | Study Table
- letter-Suppose your cousin has won scholarship from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and has............
- letter to invite friend for sister's marriage ceremony
- Write a letter to your father describing your progress in studies.
- Write a letter to your friend describing him / her your first impression of college.
- Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper regarding the increasing number of professional beggars in the city
- Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to lend you some Islamic books
- Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his / her mother
- Write a letter to your father explaining to him the causes of your failure in the examination.
- Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance
- Write a letter to the editor of the news papers on the "evils of beggary"in the city
- Write a letter to the Managing Director, Pakistan Railways complaining about the late arrival of trains
- Suppose, you are Sujon/Sujona. Your friend is Ruman/Rumana. Your friend is not interested in learning English. Now, write a letter to your friend telling about the importance of learning English. or, Suppose, you are Chhoyful. Your brother is Obaydul. He is very weak in English. Now, write a letter to your brother advising him how to do well in English.
- Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Examination.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Informing of Your Plan After Your Final Exam.
- Write a Salary Increment Letter for An Employee.
- Write a Job/Employment Offer Letter for The Position of IT Executive.
- Write a Letter to Your Pen-Friend in Italy, About Informing Him the Importance of So Many Rivers in Your Country’s Economy.
- A letter to your friend about your intention to poem writing
- A letter to spend Eid holidays
- A letter to your uncle about your results in the annual exam
- A letter to your cousin about your plan of doing things together
- A letter about betterment of the people of your society
- Letter to your friend about how you celebrate the National Day
- Letter about a tourist spot that you know
- Letter about to your friend inviting him to join the marriage ceremony
- Letter about telling how to keep good health
- A letter to your friend thanking her for a birthday present
- A letter to your friend about your experience of a Railway Station
- A letter to your friend requesting him to return the book
- Letter to your friend about First Day at New School
- A letter to your friend, inviting to a picnic
- Write A Letter To Your Friend Advising Him To Give Up Smoking
- Write A Letter To Your Friend About Picnic
- Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him About What You Intend To Do After The SSC Examination
- Write A Letter Thanking Your Friend For The Birthday Gift
- Write A Letter To Your Friend Congratulating Him On His/Her Brilliant Result
- Write A Letter About How To Improve English
- Letter | To your friend inviting him for your annual function
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Present Miserable Condition Of The Buriganga
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Present Miserable Condition Of Your Village Govt Primary School
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Bad Effects Of C.D And Video Clubs
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of A Primary School In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Criticizing The Adoption On Unfair Means In The Examination Hall
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of Immediate Vaccination In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of A Charitable Dispensary In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of A Children Park In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Dengue Fever And The Necessity Of Its Remedy In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Mosquito Menace And Necessity Of Its Control In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Load Shedding And Necessity Of Its Control In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of Electricity In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper On The Necessity Of A Post Office In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper Appealing For Relief Goods For The Cyclone Affected People In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper Appealing For Relief Goods For The Flood Affected People In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Arsenic Pollution And The Necessity Of Its Control In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Education Minister Requesting Him To Preside Over The Prize Giving Ceremony Of Your School
- Letter | To The Editor Of The Daily Star About The Problems Created By Traffic Jam
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper Complying About High Prices Of Essential Commodities.
- Letter | To The Editor Of A Newspaper Complaining About Insufficient Water Supply In Your Locality
- Letter | To The Editor About Load Shedding.
- Letter | Complaining To The Editor Of A Newspaper For The Air/ Water/ Sound Pollution Of Your Locality
- Letter | Advising Your Brother About The Process Of Gaining Admission Into A College
- Letter | Asking Your Father To Send You Money To Admit Into A Coaching Center
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Exatra Currucular Activities Of Your School
- Letter | Describing Your Younger Brother How To Open A Bank Account
- Letter | Describing Your Foreign Friend About Bangladeshi's Food Habit
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The SSC Farewell Of Your School
- Letter | Advising Your Brother About The New Communicative System In English Which Was Introduced By NCTB
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Your New Address And New Residence
- Letter | Informing Your Friend About The New English Class Teacher Of Your School
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Devastation Caused By The Recent Cyclone
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Devastation Caused By The Recent Flood In Your Country
- Letter | To A Pen Friend Who Lives In Foreign Country Telling Him Briefly About Yourself
- Letter | Asking A Book Seller To Send You Some Text-books
- Letter | On Friend Who Has Suffered A Severe Pecuniary Loss
- Letter | Protesting To A Neighbour Who Keeps His Radio On Even After Mid-night
- Letter | From Old Teacher Thanking For The Special Care He Devoted During School Days
- Letter | From Father To Son Enquiring About The Choice Of Profession In Life
- Letter | From Father To Son Asking Him To Become A Doctor
- Letter | Complaint To A Book-seller
- Letter | CNG Crisis
- Letter | Challenge To The Hockey Captain Of A School Team
- Letter | Describing Your Friend How You Have Celebrated The Last Pahela Baishakh
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About A Zoo After Visiting It
- Letter | Advising Your Friend To Change Decision And Continue Studies
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your First Journey By Plane
- Letter | Telling Your Friend What You Would Like To Do After Getting Twenty Lac Through A Lottery
- Letter | Advising Your Friend To Change His Place And Weather For The Betterment Of His Physical Condition
- Letter | Congratulating Your Friend On His Recovery From Illness
- Letter | Informing Your Friend After Recovery From Your Illness
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Present Miserable Condition Of Dhaka City
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About A Book Fair That You Have Visited Recently
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About A Village Fair That You Have Visited Recently
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About A Memorable Day Of Your Life / The First Day Of Your School.
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About An Exciting Football Match
- Letter | Describing Your Friend How You Have Celebrated The 21st February / The International Mother Language Day
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Annual Cultural Function Of Your School
- Letter | Telling Your Mother That You Are Coming Home With A Friend
- Letter | Describing Your Mother About A Good Classmate
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother To Take Care Of His Health
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother About The Good Effects Of Good Friends And The Bad Effects Of Bad Friends
- Letter | Advising Younger Brother About The Necessity Of Visiting The Historical Spots
- Letter | Requesting Your Friend Who Has Long Been Silent For Offending Him
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother To Be Careful About The Dengue Fever
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother To Get Up Early In The Morning
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother How To Improve His English Vocabulary
- Letter | Telling Your Friend What You Like To Do After The SSC Examination
- Letter | Congratulating Your Friend On His Brilliant Success In The National Debate Competition
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Scene Of The Examination Hall
- Letter | Telling Your Friend How You Have Done The SSC Examination
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Jamuna Bridge After Visiting It
- Letter | Requesting Your Father For Money And Permission To Visit The Jamuna Bridge
- Letter | Describing Your Friend How Your School Is Differ From His School
- Letter | Apology To Your Friend As You Failed To Keep Your Words / As You Couldn't Attend His Birthday Party
- Letter | Declining Your Friend's Invitation
- Letter | After Accepting Your Friend's Kind Invitation
- Letter | Describing Your Friend How You Have Celebrated Your Birthday Party
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your Hobby
- Letter | Informing Your Mother About Your Safe Arrival In The School Hostel
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About How You Spend Your Leisure
- Letter | Describing Your Foreign Friend About The National Memorial Of Your Country
- Letter | Describing Your Foreign Friend About The National Flag Of Your Country
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your School
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your Village
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The House Where You Live In
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your Family
- Letter | Informing Your Father About The Progress Of Your Studies
- Letter | Informing Your Mother About Your Health
- Letter | Asking Your Father To Send You Money To Clear Up Your School Dues
- Letter | Requesting Your Father To Send You Money To Engage A Private Tutor
- Letter | Informing Your Father About The Result Of Your Last Annual Examination
- Letter | Telling Your Father About The Preparation Of Your First Terminal Exam
- Letter | Asking Your Father Sending Money For Buying Books
- সহজেই পাশ | যেকোনো Letter লেখার নিয়ম
- Letter | To Your Friend About The International Trade Fair You Have Visited
- Letter | To Your Friend About The Book Recently You Have Read
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About A Place Of Historical Interest Recently You visited
- Letter | To Your Teacher Expressing Your Gratitude For Good Result
- Letter | Telling Your Foreign Friend About The Beautiful Places Of Bangladesh
- Letter | Asking Your Father To Give You Permission To Go A Study Tour / Picnic / Excursion
- Letter | Telling Your Friend That You Have Got Talent Pool Scholarship
- Letter | Telling Your Cousin About An Extraordinary Boy
- Letter | Telling Your Friend The News Of Your Father's Death
- Letter | Telling Your Friend How You Are Going To Celebrate Your Next Birthday
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Some Of The Things, You Are Planning To Do Together
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About The Co-Curricular Activities Of Your School
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Annual Sports Day Of Your School
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Study Tour
- Letter | Enquiring Of Your Mother's Illness
- Letter | Consoling Your Friend At His Failure In The SSC Examination
- Letter | Advising Your Younger Brother To Be Careful Of Water-Borne Diseases
- Letter | To Your Sick Friend Who Has Been Hospitalized
- Letter | Telling Your Friend What You Did During The Summer Vacation
- Letter | Telling Your Friend What You Would Do During The Summer Vacation
- Letter | Advising Your Friend How To Improve In English
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Your Aim In Life
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About Your River Journey By Boat
- Letter | Advising Your Friend / Brother Not To Adopt Unfair Means / Copy In The Exam
- Letter | Asking Your Father To Give You Permission To Spend Your Summer Vacation At Your Friend's Village Home
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About The Science Fair You Visited
- Letter | Telling Your Foreign Friend About Your Country And Country People
- Letter | Telling Your Foreign Friend About The Food And Food Habits Of Bangladeshi People
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Your Experience Of Taking Food In A Chinese Restaurant
- Letter | Telling Your Friend How To Adjust With New Place And New Food
- Letter | Telling Your Father / Mother / Friend About Your Hostel Life
- Letter | Telling Your Father / Mother / Friend About Your School Hostel
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Annual Prize Giving Ceremony
- Letter | Inviting Your Friend To Stay A Few Days At Your Village Home
- Letter | Telling Your Younger Brother To Avoid Evil Company And Study Attentively
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About The Street / Road Accident
- Letter | Requesting Your Friend To Lend His Book
- Letter | Inviting Your Friend To Join A Picnic
- Letter | Thanking Your Friend For Sending You A Birthday Present
- Letter | Inviting Your Friend To Attend Your Sister's Marriage Ceremony
- Letter | Inviting Your Friend To Attend Your Birthday Party
- Letter | Telling Your Brother About Your Mother's Illness
- Letter | Telling Your Father About Your Preparation For The SSC Examination
- Letter | Describing The Train Journey You Made / Enjoyed
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About Importance Of Learning English
- Letter | Telling Your Friend The Importance Of Reading Newspaper
- Letter | Describing Your Friend About The Picnic You Made / Enjoyed
- Letter | Asking Your Father For Sending Some Money
- Letter | Asking Your Friend What He Intends / Wants To Do After His Examination
- Letter | Consoling Your Friend For His Father's / Mother's Death
- Letter | Telling Your Friend The Importance Of Physical Exercise
- Letter | Telling Your Friend About The Bad Effects Of Smoking
- Letter | Congratulating Your Friend On Her Brilliant Success In The SSC Examination
- Letter | Telling Your Friend To Return Your Borrowed Book
- Letter | Thanking Your Friend For Her Hospitality
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Suggesting to Gain Computer Knowledge after Examination.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Informing him of the Harmful Effect of Taking Coffee and Tea.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend About Your Favourite Game.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Recent River Journey to Sundarbans.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Examination.
- Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Importance of Value of Time.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Recollecting Some Past Memories with Him.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Present Status and Activities in Dhaka.
- Write a Letter to Your Friend About the Importance of Reading Newspaper
- Write a Letter to Your Son Letting Him Know the True Identity of a Gentleman
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Living Abroad Describing the Rainy Season of Bangladesh
- Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Be Disciplined and Attentive to His Studies
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing the Present Situation of Dhaka City
- Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Asking Him to Be Disciplined and Regular in His Daily Life
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing How You Are Staying and Enjoying in Your Village Home
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Informing Her of Your Success in a Debate Competition
- Write a Letter to Your Friend About a Street Accident You Have Witnessed Recently
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing the Picnic You Have Enjoyed Recently
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing a Marriage Ceremony You Attended Recently
- Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Recent Visit to a Place of Historical Interest.
- Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life (IT Specialist as a profession)
- Write a letter to your friend describing the last summer vacation
- Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise
- Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life (Teacher as a profession)
- Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident you have witnessed recently
- Write a letter to your friend describing the importance/necessity of learning English
- Write a letter to your father telling him about your preparation for the annual term examination.
- Write a letter to your friend telling him about importance of tree plantation
- Write a letter to your friend telling him about global village
- Write a letter to friend describing bad effects of climate change
- Write a letter to your friend describing your school.
- Write a letter to your Foreign friend telling him about the national days of Bangladesh
- Write a letter to your Foreign friend telling him about the folk songs of Bangladesh.
- Write a letter to your friend describing a book fair you visited.
- Write a letter to your pen-friend about your school
- Write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school
- Write a letter to your friend about your preparation for the upcoming S.S.C examination/ progress of studies
- Write a letter to your friend about what you intend to do after the S.S.C. examination
- Write a letter to your pen-friend describing your country and her people
- Write a letter to your friend describing him about how to improve in English
- Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports day of your school
- Letter to Your Friend Describing The Picnic.
- Letter to Your Friend About Your Favorite Hobby.
- Letter for Describing The Annual Prize Giving Ceremony of Your School.
- Letter for Describing The Annual Sports Ceremony of Your School.
- Letter About Advising to be Attentive in Studies
- Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Avoid Bad Company
- Letter To Your Father Requesting Send Your Money
- Letter Your Father About Preparation For Examination
- Letter Test Examination Preparation
- Letter Your Hostel Life
- Letter Present Your Birthday
- Letter Observed The Birthday Party
- Letter Your Friend Return The Book
- Letter His Father Death Consoling Your Friend
- Write a letter to your friend telling about how your school deferrers from his.
- Write a letter to your friend describing your daily routine/a Typical day of your life.
- Write a letter to your younger brother about the usefulness of reading newspaper
- Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for the ensuring examination.
- Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result.
- Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of a train journey .
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to go with him/her to visit a place of historical interest.
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend a few days with you during the summer vacation.
- Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking.
- Write a letter to your friend telling him what you intend to do after your S.S.C examination.
- Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident.
- Write a letter to your friend describing how you celebrated pahela Baishakh.
- Write a letter to your friend congratulation on him/her on his/her brilliant success in the S S C examination.
- Write a letter to your friend asking him to return books.
- Write a letter to your friend describing your aim in life.
- Write a letter to your friend describing about your visit to the Mohakhali Flyover.
- Write a letter to your friend about pet animal.
- Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a book fair.
- Write a letter to your Foreign friend describing your country.
- Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a Zoo.
- Write a letter to you father about your preparation for Scholarship Examination.
- Write a letter to your elder brother telling him how you are studying for the scholarship examination.
- Write a letter to you younger brother congratulating him on succeeded in the primary scholarship examination.
- Write a letter to friend about your village.
- A letter to your father telling him how you have prepared for the coming primary Scholarship examination.
- Write a letter to your friend describing your hobby.
- Write a letter to your friend about annual sports day of your school.
- A letter to your friend inviting him to the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday party.
- Write a letter to your friend describing your school.
- Write a letter to your friend telling him about you how you have spend the summer vacation.
- Write a letter to your friend describing the house you live in.
- Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.
- Write a letter to your cousin describing what you did on that day in a fare well party as one of the guests.
- Write A letter to your friend to join a picnic.
- Write A letter to your friend to attend you birthday
- Write a letter to your friend describing about how to use internet.
- Write A letter to your cousin about the procedures to gain admission to a college after he/she has passed the SSC Examination.
- Write a letter to your friend describing about a train journey
- Write a letter to your friend about your family.
- A letter to your friend inviting him to your village home for the coming Eid-ul-Fitr.
- Write a letter to your friend asking him for return book.
- Write A letter to your younger brother advising him to be sincere and attentive to his study.
- Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation of the SSC test/Annual examination.
- Write a letter to your friend advising /requesting him not to adopt unfair means in the examination.
- Write a letter to your friend consoling him on the death of his mother.
- Write a letter to your friend about the importance of reading newspaper.
- Write A letter to your friend about your experience taking food in restaurants.
- Write a letter to your friend congratulating him /her on his brilliant result in the examination.
- Write a letter to UNO About repairing a road.
- Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about law and order situation.
- Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about mosquito menace.
- Write A Joining Letter to employee
- Write a letter to your friend describing your visit to a tourist spot Jaflong.
- Write a letter to your friend describing the food and food habit of Bangladesh people.
- Write a letter to your friend advising him how to improve / develop his skill in English.
- Suppose you won a quiz and the prize was a half an hours’ free ride by wide-bodied passenger plane. Now write a letter to your friend describing the experience of the flight.
- Write a letter to your friend with a set of instructions on how to use the internet.
- Write a letter to your friend about the importance of communicative English
- Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.
- Send a letter of advice to your younger brother to be regular in his studies.
- Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper/journal for relief to a flood affected area.