- Write an application to your headmaster praying a seat in the school hostel
- Write an application to the headmaster for early leave .
- Write an application to the Headmaster praying for admission
- Write an application To your Headmaster for changing an elective subject.
- Write an application To the Headmaster praying for a testimonial
- Write an application to your headmaster seeking permission to organize a literacy club.
- Write an application to your headmaster prayer for issuing a Testimonial.
- Write an application To your Headmaster prayer for to set an English Debating Club.
- Write an application To your Headmaster for common room facilities.
- Write an application to the headmaster praying for re-admission
- Write an application to the headmaster for tree days leave in advance on said occation
- Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for transfer certificate.
- Write an application to your headmaster praying for a leave of absence.
- Write a application to the headmaster of your school for establishing a computer club in the campus.
- Write an application to the Headmaster praying for remission of delay fine
- Write a Application To Your Headmaster Praying for leave Of Absence .
- Write an application to your headmaster/principal for increasing library facilities
- Write an application to the headmaster of your school for leave in advance
- Request to the headmaster for buying more books for you school library.
- Application to the Principal to Allow Students to Join Volunteer Service for Flood Affected People
- Application to the Principal for Increasing Laboratory Facilities
- Application to the Principal for Three Days' Leave of Absence
- Application to the Principal for Increasing College Library Facilities.
- Application to the Principal for Setting up an English Debating Club
- Application to the Principal for Solution of the Problems in College Canteen.
- Application to the Union Council Chairman for Sinking Tube Wells in Your Village.
- Application to the Municipality Mayor for Improving the Sewerage System.
- Application to the Police Superintendent for Controlling Anti-social Activities.
- Application to the Principal for a Transfer Certificate.
- Application for a Job.
- Application for a character certificate
- Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him for financial helps.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for fee concession
- Write a Application for the post of "Secretary".
- Write a Application for the post of doctor.
- Write a Applying for the post of teacher in English.
- ৬ টি Application বা Latter শিখে লিখুন ২০০ টি Application বা Latter
- Application For Transfer Certificate
- Application for increasing or enhancing common room facilities in the college or school
- Application for changing an elective subject
- Application for English Debating Club
- Increasing or enhancing library facilities in the college
- Application to arrange cultural function
- Application to celebrate Victory Day
- Application to celebrate Independence Day.
- Write an application to the Headmaster for going to a study tour/ excursion.
- Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to increase library facilities.
- Write an Application to your Headmaster / Principal for a Transfer Certificate.
- Write an Application to your Headteacher / Principal for a seat in your School Hostel
- Application to set up a library at school
- Application for school bus
- Write an application to your Headmaster prayer for permission to play a friendly football match.
- An application to the Headmaster seeking permission to arrange a cultural function
- Write an application to your Headmaster of your school for advance leave mentioning the beginning and ending date of your leave.
- An application for construction a bridge over the canal.
- Write an application to your Headmaster asking his permission to leave school earlier on account of sudden illness.
- Write an application to the DEO/Inspector of School for a holiday in honour of his visit to the school.
- Application for the prohibition or not to allow using any mobile phone or cell phone in the classroom or examination hall.
- Write an application to the Headmaster Praying for a Seat in Your School Hostel.
- Write an Application Setting Up an English Language Club and English Speaking Club
- Application to the Transfer Certificate
- Application for a Leave of Absence
- Application To Re-Admission
- Application to the sinking a tube well in your locality
- Application to the Headmaster/Principal for Early Leave
- Application For Full Free Studentship
- Application For Opening a Common Room
- Application for Increasing Common Room Facilities
- Application for Hanging Some Electric Fans
- Application for Providing Sound System in the Classroom
- An Application to the headmaster of your school for opening a computer club as early as possible । যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব একটি কম্পিউটার ক্লাব খোলার জন্য আপনার স্কুলের প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- An Application to the Head teacher of your school for increasing common room facilities । কমন রুমের সুবিধার জন্য আপনার স্কুলের প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- An Application to your headmaster for opening a common room in our school campus । আমাদের স্কুল ক্যাম্পাসে একটি কমন রুম খোলার জন্য আপনার প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- An Application to the headmaster for taking necessary steps to set up a debating club in your school । আপনার বিদ্যালয়ে একটি ডিবেটিং ক্লাব স্থাপনের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণের জন্য প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- An Application to the headmaster of your school praying for enhancing library facilities । আপনার বিদ্যালয়ের প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি আবেদন, গ্রন্থাগার সুবিধা বাড়ানোর জন্য প্রার্থনা করছেন । Application-Writing
- Multiple Application Writing System
- Application for Study Tour or Excursion
- Application/Formal Letter Writing Rules । Application/Formal Letter-লেখার নিয়ম । Application-Writing ।
- Application for a transfer certificate । স্থানান্তর শংসাপত্রের জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- Application for a testimonial । প্রশংসাপত্রের জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing
- Application for permission to go on a study tour । অধ্যয়ন সফরে যাওয়ার অনুমতির জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- Application for setting up a computer club । কম্পিউটার ক্লাব স্থাপনের জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- Application for setting up a canteen । ক্যান্টিন স্থাপনের জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- Write an Application to the Deputy Commissioner for Relief and Medical Aids for the Flood Affected People of Your Area
- Imagine, you are a student of Homna kafiluddin girls high school, home, Comilla. There is no common room in your school. Now, write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a common room.
- Suppose, your name is Anika and you are a student at Nurpur High School, Chittagong. But recently your father has been transferred to Dhaka. Your whole family will move to Dhaka soon. Now, it is difficult for you to stay here alone. For this, you want to reside in the school hostel. Now, write an application to your headmaster for a seat in the school hostel.
- You are Ariful Islam. Your father has been transferred from Natore to Dhaka. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.
- Write an application to the Headteacher of your school praying for a testimonial.
- একটি Application দিয়ে লেখো সবগুলো Application
- Application for Leave of Absence in School College
- Application for setting up a computer club.
- Application for a debating society.
- Application for providing indoor games facilities.
- Application for electric fans.
- Application for a testimonial.
- Application for an identity card.
- Application for opening a literary club in the college.
- Application for some financial help.
- Application for opening a relief camp in the college.
- Application for celebrating the Pahela Baishakh.
- Application for taking classes on vocabulary.
- Application for celebrating the International Mother Language Day.
- Write an application to the headmaster for a testimonial
- Application for permission for holding a cultural function in our college.
- Application for TC due to job transfer of father / mother:
- Write an application to the headmaster for setting up a computer club
- Application for TC due to job transfer of father / mother:
- Application for opening a debating club । একটি বিতর্ক ক্লাব খোলার জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing
- Application for increasing common room facilities । সাধারণ কক্ষ সুবিধা বৃদ্ধির জন্য আবেদন । Application-Writing ।
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for one-month leave on medical grounds.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for re fund of liberary Security
- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him I her to grant you sick leave.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him / her for full fee-concession.
- Write an application to the Principal for the refund of library security.
- Write an application to the Director of Education for the post of a Secondary School Teacher.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for the grant of a Character Certificate.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for remission of fine.
- Write an application to the Principal for change of subject.
- Write a job application to the Accountant General for the Post of an Assistant.
- Write an application to the secretory of higher education for opening of a school in your locality
- Application for Setting Up a Canteen for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Application for permission to go on a study tour
- Application for relief and medical aids for the flood victims
- Application for relief goods for the flood affected people
- Application For Opening An English Language Club
- Write an Application for a character certificate
- Write an Application for setting up an English language club.
- Write an Application for re-admission
- Write an Application Prayer for repairing a bridge
- Application to Prayer for Vaccination
- Application for Relief for the Cyclone Affected People
- Application for Relief and Medical Aids for the Flood Affected People
- Application for opening a relief camp
- Application for Construction of a Bridge
- Application for Repairing the Damaged Roads
- Application for Sinking Tube-wells
- Application For a Reservation of a Seat
- Application About Permission to Visit Liberation War Museum
- Application for permission to hold a friendly Cricket match in the school playground
- Application for staging a drama in the school auditorium
- Application for permission to organise annual cultural function
- Application for permission to go on a study tour
- Application for permission to go on a study tour
- Application for not to allow cell phone in the classroom
- Application for full free studentship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund
- Application for changing an elective subject
- Application for morning school
- Application For remission of delay fine/re-admission
- Application for remission of delay fine
- Application For leave/leave in advance
- Application For a day's holiday
- Application For early leave
- Application for a testimonial
- Application For admission on transfer certificate
- Application For a transfer certificate
- Application For more facilities in the school library
- Application For providing WI-FI facility in the school library
- Application for hanging some electric fans in the class room
- Application For increasing common room facilities
- Application For an English newspaper / English Journal in the common room
- Application For opening a common room/reading room
- Application For setting up multimedia classrooms
- Application For setting up a canteen on the school campus
- Application For a seat in the school hostel
- Application For opening a computer lab
- Application For setting up a computer club/lab
- Application For organising a literary club
- Application for opening an English Debating Club/Debating Club
- Application For opening an English Language Club / English Speaking Club
- Application for setting up a debating club in school
- Application for a transfer certificate
- Application for holding classes in the morning
- Application for a full-free studentship
- Application for allotting a seat in the school hostel
- Application for a four days' leave in advance
- Application for re-admission
- Application for a half-holiday
- Application to hold the freshers' reception in the college
- Application to take active steps against the frequent visit of outsiders inside your college campus
- Application to allow the college play-ground for a friendly football match
- Application to take necessary steps to clean the campus as there is menace of dengue
- For students who have finished their H.S.C. provided they have sufficient knowledge of English Application
- Application to the Divisional Forest Officer seeking permission for visiting the Sunderbans
- Application to establish a literary club in your college campus
- Application for an English Daily for the common room
- Application to hold a debate competition on Gender Discrimination
- Application to a commercial bank for a loan
- An Application To The Headmaster Of Your School For Help From The Poor Fund.
- Seeking Permission To Go On A Study Tour Application For Any Class
- An Application To The Headmaster Of Your School For A Testimonial.
- Set Up An English Language Club Application For Any Class
- Full Free Studentship Application For Any Class
- Increasing Common Room Facilities Application For Any Class
- Relief And Medical Aid For The Food Affected People Application For Any Class
- Setting Up A Canteen In Your School Campus Application For Any Class
- Publishing An Article On Price Spiral In Newspaper Application For Any Class
- Praying For Morning School Application For Any Class
- Application for Permission to Go on A Study Tour/Excursion
- Application for Early Leave from Your School
- Application for Setting Up a Canteen in College Campus
- Application | To The Managing Director Of Grameen / Banglalink / Robi / Airtel / Teletalk Network Company To Set Up A Tower In Your Locality
- Application | To The Chairman Of Your Union Parishad To Build A Pacca Road
- Application | To The Deputy Commissioner Praying For Setting Up A Night School In Your Locality
- Application | To The Headmaster For Three Day's Casual Leave
- Application | To The Manager Praying For Opening An Account With The Rupali Bank
- Application | To The Managing Director Praying For Opening A Branch Of Rupali Bank In Your Locality
- Application | To The T.N.O Praying For Setting Up A Public Toilet In The Market Of Your Locality
- Application | To The T.N.O Praying For Setting Up Q Speed Breaker On The Highway In Your Locality
- Application | To The Managing Director Of Bangladesh Porjatan Corporation Asking Him For Information To Make A River Journey
- Application | To The Deputy Commissioner For Setting Up A Charitable Dispensary In Your Locality
- Application | To The Chairman Of Your Municipality Praying For Reforming A Children Park In Your Locality
- Application | To The Chairman Of Your Municipality For Setting Up Children Park In Your Locality
- Application | To The Chairman Of Your Municipality About The Dengue Fever And The Necessity Of Its Prevention
- Application | To The Chairman Of Your Municipality About The Mosquito Menace And Necessity Of Its Control In Your Locality
- Application | To The General Manager Complaint Against The Load Shedding / The Discontinuous Power Supply In Your Locality
- Application | To The General Manager For Electricity In Your Locality
- Application | To The Post Master General Complaining Against The Postman For Irregular Delivery Of Letters
- Application | To The Deputy Commissioner For Relief Goods For The Cyclone Affected People In Your Locality
- Application | To The T.N.O Praying For Cleaning / Reforming A Pond In Your Locality
- Application | To The T.N.O Praying For Digging A Pond In Your Locality
- Application | To The T.N.O Praying For Sinking An Arsenic Free Tubewell In Your Locality
- Application | To The Deputy Commissioner Praying For Checking Up And Pointing The Red And Green Marks On All The Tubewells Of Your Locality On Account Of Arsenic Problem
- Application | To The Deputy Commissioner Preventing From Arsenic Problem In The Water Of Your Tubewells In Your Locality
- Application | Praying For Permission To Arrange A Debate Competition On The Necessity Of Learning English
- Application | Praying For Dividing Your Class Into Two Sections
- Application | Praying For Extension Of Your School Campus / Play Ground
- Application | To The Chancellor Of A Foreign University School To Study In English Literature
- Application | Praying For A School Bus
- Application | Praying For Permission And Some Money For Holding The Refreshers Reception
- Application | Praying For Repairing And Extending Of Your School Hostel
- Application | To The Postmaster General Requesting Him To Established A Post Office In Your Locality
- Application | To The Chairman For Construction A Bridge Over The Canal
- Application | To The Chairman For Repairing A Tubewell Of Your Locality
- Application | Complaining Against The Crowd That Gathers At School Gate
- Application | Praying For A Days' Holiday For The Guest Visit Of Your School
- Application | Praying For Arranging A Special Coaching Class In English Vocabulary
- Application | Praying For A Days' Holiday To Celebrate A Glorious Victory
- Application | Praying For Three Days' Extension Leave
- Application | Praying For Staging A Drama To Collect Money For The Flood Affected People
- Application | Enquiring About Availability Of Seat In Your School Hostel
- Application | Praying For Setting Up A Prayer Room / Mosque In Your School Campus
- Application | Praying For Arranging A Special Coaching Class In Mathmatics
- Application | Praying For Joining The National Art Competition
- Application | Praying For Forming A Scout Team In Your School
- Application | Praying For Making A Flower Garden In Your School
- Application | Praying For Introducing The School Uniform Among The Students Of Your School
- Application | Praying For Opening A Co-Operative Shop In Your School Campus And Nominate A Teacher As A Guide
- Application | Praying For Setting Up A Shaheed Minar In Your School Campus
- Application | Praying For Withdrawal Of Your Library Caution Money
- Application | Praying For Checking Up And Pointing The Red Or Green Marks On The Tubewell Of Your School Campus, On Account Of A Arsenic Problem
- Application | Praying For Repairing The Tubewell Of Your School Campus
- Application | Praying For Permission To Donate Your Blood
- Application | Praying For Excusing For Late Coming In The Class
- Application | Praying For Suspending The Classes For Today As A Rainy Day
- Application | Praying For Colouring The Blackboard Of Your Classroom
- Application | Praying For Holding The SSC Test Examination A Week Later
- Application | Praying For Holding A Coaching Class
- Application | Praying For Repairing An Electricity Fan In Your Classroom
- Application | Praying For Repairing The Broken Benches In Your Classroom
- Application | Praying For More Benches In Your Classroom
- Application | Praying For More Facilities In Your School Physical Club / Gymnasium
- Application | Praying For Opening A Physical Club / Gymnasium In Your School And Nominate A Teacher As A Guide
- Application | Praying For Permission, Granting Money And A Deputing Teacher To Visit Jamuma Bridge
- Application | Praying For Repairing The Computer Set Of Your School
- Application | Praying For Introducing / Opening A Computer Study Subject In Your School
- Application | Praying For A Computer Set In Your School
- Application | Praying For Repairing The TV Set Of Your School Hostel Common Room
- Application | Praying For A TV Set For Your School Hostel Common Room
- Application | Praying For A Sport Journal For Your School Common Room
- Application | Praying For A Science Journal In Your School Common Room
- Application | Praying For An English Daily Newspaper For The School Common Room
- Application | Praying For More Facilities In Your School Reading Room
- Application | Praying For Opening / Arranging A Reading Room In Your School
- Application | Praying For Lending A Book From Your School Library
- Application | Praying For Changing Of Your Course Of Studies
- Application | Praying For Changing Of Your Elective Subject
- Application | To Headmaster / Headmistress To Hold A Science Exhibition At School.
- Application | To The Headmaster Praying For Permission To Use The Ground Of Your School For Baishakhi Mela.
- Application | To The Headmaster Prayer For Buying More Books For Our School Library.
- Application | Prayer for the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school to set up a library at school
- Application | Asking For Character Certificate.
- সহজেই পাশ | যেকোনো Application লেখার নিয়ম
- Application | Setting Up A Night School
- Application | Setting Up A Post Office
- Application | Permission For A Friendly Cricket Match
- Application | Repairing Damaged Road
- Application | Arranging Weekly Debate Competitions In The School
- Application | Setting Up A Charitable Dispensary
- Application | Increasing The Facility In The Science Lab
- Application | Holding Test Exam A Week Later
- Application | Publishing A School Magazine
- Application | Changing Of Section
- Application | Taking Steps Against Evil - Doer
- Application | For Testimonial
- Application | Financial Loan
- Application | Renewal Of Registration
- Application | Seeking Permission To Raise Fund For The Flood Victims
- Application | Holding A Cultural Function/ Concert
- Application | Supplying Natural Gas
- Application | Repairing A Bridge
- Application | Repairing A Road
- Application | To The District Health Officer For Vaccination
- Application | Deputy Commissioner For A Grant To Improve The Field
- Application | Relief Goods And Medical Treatment For The Blood Affected People
- Application | Receiving Training
- Application | Hanging Some Fans In Our Classroom
- Application | Setting Up/ Arranging A Multi-Media Classroom
- Application | Setting Up A Canteen
- Application | Setting Up An English Language Club
- Application | Opening A Bank Account
- Application | Permission To Stage A Drama
- Application | Setting Up A Relief Camp
- Application | Permission To Arrange A Study Tour/Picnic/Excursion
- Application | Increasing Library Facilities
- Application | Setting Up A Hall Room
- Application | Admission On Transfer Certificate
- Application | Organizing A Debating Club In Your School
- Application | Setting Up A Common Room In Your School
- Application | Holding Special English Coaching Class
- Application | Sinking A Tube Well
- Application | Supplying Hygienic Food In The School Canteen
- Application | Setting Up A Computer Club
- Application | A Transfer Certificate
- Application | Organizing A Literary Club In Your School
- Application | An Application For Holding Morning School
- Application | A Seat In The School Hostel
- Application | Increasing Common Room Facilities
- Application | For A Testimonial
- Application | A stipend/ a financial help from the school poor fund.
- Application | A full free-studentship.
- Application | Re-admission in school.
- Application | Admission in a school.
- Application | Permission to play an Inter-class Football Match.
- Application | Remission of delay fine.
- Application | Early leave on account of an urgent piece of business at your home.
- Application | Early leave on account of a bad headache.
- Application | Early leave on account of feverish.
- Application | A half-holiday to enjoy a religious festival.
- Application | A half-holiday to give a warm reception.
- Application | A day's holiday to celebrate a glorious victory.
- Application | A half-holiday to enjoy a friendly cricket match.
- Application | Leave in advance.
- Application | Leave of absence.
- Write an Application to the Municipality Mayor for Improving the Sewerage System
- Write an Application to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer for Opening a Charitable Dispensary
- Write an Application to the Upazila Chairman for Replacing the Old and Risky Iron Bridge
- Write an Application to the Union Council Chairman for a Citizenship Certificate
- Write an Application to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer for Relief for the Cyclone Affected People.
- Write an Application For Leave of Absence
- Write a letter to the Headmaster seeking permission to go on a study tour.
- Write an Application to your Headmaster for arranging a debate competition.
- Write an application to the principal/Headmaster praying for setting up a canteen.
- Write an application some financial help from the poor fund of the school.
- Writing an Application For Changing Your Elective Subject.
- An Application For Relief For The Flood Affected People
- An Application For More Relief's For The Cyclone Affected People
- An Application For Opening a Charitable Dispensary
- An Application For Construction a Bridge
- An Application For Construction Of a 'Road'
- An Application for Repairing Damaged Road
- Application For Setting up a Canteen in The School Campus
- Application For Taking Steps To Stop Eve Teasing
- Application For The Establishment Of a Debating Club
- Application for Increasing Library Facilities.
- Application For a Full Free Studentship/Stipend/Help From The Poor Fund
- Application For Early Leave
- Application For Admission
- Application For Seat In The School Hostel
- Application For a Testimonial
- Application For a Transfer Certificate
- Application For Remission Of Delay Fine
- Application For Stipend From Poor Fund
- Application For Financial Help
- Application For Full Free Studentship
- Write an Application about withdrawal of library caution money.
- Write an Application about holding science fair.
- Write an application to the head teacher of your school to provide facilities for games.
- Write an application to the D.C to open a charitable dispensary in your locality.
- Write an application to your headmaster praying for permission to play cricket match.
- Write an application to your Headmaster praying for leave of absence.
- Write an application for remission of delay fine.
- Write an application to the DC for some relief’s for the flood hit people.
- Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for seeking tube-wells in your village to mitigate the sufferings of the people.
- Write An application for opening a bank account.
- Write an application to the Headmaster for English daily for your common room.
- Write an application to your Headmaster for permission to go on a study tour/Picnic
An appolication for publising a school magazine
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