- Write an email about riverside view
- Email about Natural Beauty of Bangladesh
- Write an e-mail to Your younger brother telling him about the importance of reading newspaper
- Write an e-mail to your sister abojut the Importance of learning English
- Write an e-mail to your Friend how did you enjoy cricket match
- Write an e-mail to your friend About the picnic, You enjoyed
- Write an E-mail to your father Asking to send money for buy books
- Write an e-mail to your friend about your aim in life
- Write an e-mail to yor friend About your hobby
- Send an E-mail to your father informing him your progress of studies
- Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for a nice birthday gift
- Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success
- Write an e-mail to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality
- Write an email to the manager of the travel agency for cancel booked ticket.
- Write an e-mail to your headmaster for increasing common room facilities.
- Write an e-mail to your headmaster for increasing common room facilities.
- Write an e-mail to the Union Parishad Chairman for repairing the damaged roads
- Write an e-mail to the DC of your district for granting relief for the flood affected people.
- Write an e-mail to your friend for return the book immediately.
- Write an e-mail to your friend request to visit our house during the Eid vacation.
- Write an e-mail to the editor request to inform details about the Inter School Debate Competition
- Email Writing-2 Study tour, visit, excursion, out going, picnic at Shat Gambuj Mosque. Mahasthangarh, Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, Kuakata Sea Beach
- Email Writing to reserve a seat
- Write an Email to your Father/Elder Brother About Progress of your Studies
- Write an email to your brother/friend telling about the benefits of phsical Exercise
- How to Become a Good Student Email
- The Rules Of Health Email
- How to write emails | 5 Tips for Effective Emails Writing
- What is Email? Types of Emails
- Write an e-mail to your friend Invitation to attend marriage ceremony.
- Format of writing any Email/Letter
- Email to your friend telling him about annual sports of your school
- Email to wish happy new year
- Email on borrowing a dictionary
- Email to your pen friend about the natural beauty of Bangladesh
- Email praying for a full-free studentship
- Email to your friend inviting him to spend summer vacation with you
- An email ordering some books
- Email for remission of delay fine
- Write an email to your friend about the accident you have witnessed
- An email to your friend asking him to lend a book
- Email asking information about creative questions pattern
- An email canceling cheque
- Email to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a relief camp for the flood affected people
- Email on how to adjust to a new place and new food
- An E-mail to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your school । আপনার স্কুলের বার্ষিক পুরষ্কার প্রদান অনুষ্ঠানের বর্ণনা দিয়ে আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি ইমেল । E-mail-Writing
- Email to know the procedure of opening a bank account
- Email to local police station to take steps against anti-social activities
- An E-mail to your father informing him about your preparation for the ssc examination । এসএসসি পরীক্ষার জন্য আপনার প্রস্তুতির বিষয়ে আপনার বাবার কাছে একটি ইমেল । E-mail-Writing ।
- An E-mail to your friend Anik congratulating him on his achievement of President's Award in essay writing competition । আপনার বন্ধু অনিককে একটি ইমেল প্রবন্ধ রচনা প্রতিযোগিতায় রাষ্ট্রপতির পুরষ্কার অর্জনের জন্য তাকে অভিনন্দন জানিয়েছে । E-mail-Writing ।
- An E-mail to your friend asking to return the book that he borrowed some days ago । আপনার সেই বন্ধুকে একটি ইমেল লেখেন, যেন তিনি যে বইটি ধার করেছিলেন কিছুদিন আগে সেই বইটি ফেরত দিয়ে যান । E-mail-Writing ।
- An E-mail to your friend describing about the co-curricular activities of your school । আপনার স্কুলের সহ-পাঠ্যক্রমিক ক্রিয়াকলাপ সম্পর্কে বর্ণনা করা আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি ইমেল । E-mail-Writing ।
- E-mail Writing Rules । E-mail-লেখার নিয়মাবলি । E-mail-Writing
- An E-mail to your cousin telling him about dengue outbreak in Dhaka and preventive measures । আপনার মামাতো ভাইকে একটি ইমেল যা তাকে ঢাকায় ডেঙ্গুর প্রকোপ এবং প্রতিরোধমূলক ব্যবস্থা সম্পর্কে বলছে । E-mail-Writing ।
- An E-mail to her condoling her father's death । আপনার বন্ধুকে তার বাবার মৃত্যুতে সমবেদনা জানিয়ে একটি ইমেল । E-mail-Writing
- An E-mail to your friend about your experience । আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা সম্পর্কে আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি ইমেল লিখুন । E-mail-Writing ।
- Suppose, you are Sujon/Sujona. Your friend is Ruman/Rumana. Your friend is not interested in learning English. Now, write an e-mail to your friend telling about the importance of learning English. or, Suppose, you are Chhoyful. Your brother is Obaydul. He is very weak in English. Now, write an e-mail to your brother advising him how to do well in English.
- Suppose, you are Nabir living at at Oxford Mission Road, Barisal. You have a pen friend Jikrul who lives at 10 park street, USA. He wants to know about Bangladesh. Now, write an e-mail to your friend describing your country.
- Suppose, you are Alauddin/Akhi. You have a friend named Joy/Joya. Recently you have visited your friend's house and stayed for a few days with their family. Now, write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for their hospitality
- Suppose, you are Jikrul of 28 South Badda, Dhaka-1212. One of your bosom friends is eager to know about your aim in life . Now, write an e-mail to your friend about your aim in life.
- 28 Email Writing for Class 6, 7, 8
- An email to your foreign friend about your country
- An email to the railway booking clerk asking him to reserve a seat
- An e-mail to greet on New Year’s Eve
- An email to my father telling him about my half- yearly result
- An e-mail to your friend thanking him for the present
- An email to a friend Congratulation on brilliant success
- An email to your friend about your progress in study for the upcoming Examination
- An e-mail of condolence
- Email Writing Rules for JSC, SSC and HSC
- Email-Sending some money to buy books
- Email on Request to bring a book back / return the borrowed book
- Invitation for the marriage ceremony -Email
- Invitation to join the birthday party- Email
- Write an e-mail to bank manager how to open a bank account
- Suppose, your friend Tisha sent a present on your birthday since she couldn't attend the party. Now, write a message thanking her for the present using her e-mail address.
- Email to the admission committee of Harvard University
- Imagine, you are Kaspia/Kasplan of 12, Mirpur Road, Dhaka. One of your friends is very weak in English. Now, write an e-mail to your friend Rosmin/Rosmina , telling him/ her about how to improve English.
- Email | Prize Giving Ceremony
- Email to Your Mother Telling Her About Your Hostel Life
- Email to your friend about your plan after the annual/final exam
- Write an email to the pioneer Electronics Bangladesh requesting the sales officer to send you a DVD player that you have chosen on their website.
- Email Writing - Email Format- Email Collection
- E-mail to The Mobile Sales Officer Order for Mobile phones of Nokia Cellular Company
- E-mail to Editor for Sending The Guidline and Details for Inter Debate Competation
- E-mail to The Institute of Modern Language of The University of Dhaka for Information
- E-mail for Issuing English Version of SSC and HSC Certificates
- E-mail to The Headmistress of Your School Seeking Permission to Allow Your Father to Receive The Admit Card on Your Behalf
- E-mail to The Headmaster for SSC Certificate from The School
- E-mail to The Manager of Library
- E-mail to The Manager of A Bank for Cancelling A Cheque
- E-mail to The University About Admission Procedure for Overseas Students
- E-mail to Your Friend lnviting Her to Visit Bangladesh
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing The Condition of Air Pollution in Bangladesh
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing The Foods and Food Habits in Bangladesh
- E-mail to Your Pen Friend of England about Bangladesh and Her People
- E-mail to Your Pen-Friend About Beauty of Bangladesh
- E-mail to Your Pen Friend Describing Your Homeland
- E-mail to Your Younger Brother Participate in A Debate Competition
- E-mail to Your Mother About Not to Waste Valuable Time Surfing The Internet
- E-mail to Your Friend About The Harmful Effects of Ebola Virus
- E-mail to Your Younger Brother on The Importance of The Co-curricular Activities
- E-mail to Your Friend About The Importance of Reading Newspaper
- E-mail to Your Friend About The Bad Effects of Drug Addiction
- E-mail to Your Younger Brother to be Regular in His Physical Exercise
- E-mail to Your Friend Discussing The Importance of Learning English
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing Your Visit to Ekushey Boi Mela
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing Your Hostel Life
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing Your Experience about Train Journey
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing The Visit of The Historic Place
- E-mail to Your Friend Describing The Annual Prize Giving Ceremony of Your School
- E-mail to Your Friend Thanking Him for His Hospitality
- E-mail to Greet Your Friend Living in London on The New Year's Eve
- E-mail to Your Cousin wishing on her Birthday
- E-mail of Thanks to Your Friend for Birthday Present
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend The Party
- E-mail to Your Friend Accepting an Invitation of The Marriage Ceremony of Your Friend's Sister
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Marriage Ceremony of Your Elder Sister
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Your Family Picnic
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Join The Picnic
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Spend The Summer Vacation
- E-mail to Your Friend Expressing Your Condolence at Her Father's Death
- E-mail to Your Sick Friend Expecting Quick Recovery from Sickness
- E-mail to Your Friend Asking Him to Return The Book
- E-mail to Your Father for Sending You Some Money
- E-mail to Your Friend Telling Him What You Intend to Do After The S.S.C. Examination
- E-mail to Your Friend Congratulationg Her Brilliant Success in The Exam
- E-mail to Your Father Telling Him Final Examination
- E-mail to Your Father Telling Him about Your Preparation for The Coming S.S.C Exam
- E-mail to The District Public Information Officer of the literacy rate of Bangladesh
- E-mail to The Co- ordinator of The Language Club Informing Your Inability to Attend The Weekly Meeting
- E-mail to Your English Teacher Asking His/ Her Help
- E-mail to Your Class Teacher Informing Him of Your illness
- E-mail to The Welfare Officer of The Association to Send You Details about The Scholarship
- E-mail to Your Class Teacher about The Exam
- E-mail to Your Friend Congratulating Her on Friendship Day
- E-mail to Your Friend about Your School Garden
- E-mail to Your Friend The Cricket Match between Bangladesh and West Indies
- E-mail to your friend telling her about your father's illness
- E-mail to your friend to bring the book
- E-mail to Your Father about Money
- E-mail to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend Your Birthday Ceremony
- E-mail to Your Friend lnforming Her about Your Aim in Life
- E-mail to your friend, inviting him to spend the summer vacation
- E-mail to your friend about the sports day of your school
- E-mail to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony
- E-mail to your friend informing him of your illness
- E-mail to your younger brother advising him to improve his English learning
- E-mail to your younger brother about 'Chikungunya' disease
- E-mail to the editor requesting him, to the editor requesting him, the guidelines and other details that competition
- E-mail to your friend sharing your joys at the win of Bangladesh cricket team
- E-mail to your friend About Kuakata sea beach
- E-mail to your friend describing your experience about the plane journey
- E-mail to the officer-in charge requesting him to take steps against anti-social activities
- E-mail to your younger brother to avoid fast foods
- E-mail to your friend Boundless joy as Bangladesh cricket team won against Australia cricket team
- E-mail to your friend Request for a suggestion
- E-mail to your friend inviting him your country
- E-mail to your friend congratulatingon on his great success in cricket
- E-mail to Director of Ensuring the attendance in language seminar
- E-mail to the Director of Bangladesh Parjaton Corporation asking details of the tour to Cox's Bazar
- E-mail to about the negative effects of drug addiction
- E-mail to your younger brother about the importance of study tour
- E-mail to Necesary information needed on learning French language
- E-mail to your mother about surfing the Internet
- E-mail to your friend expressing your condolence to his father death
- E-mail to yor friend Informing details of Nepal tour package
- E-mail to your friend thanking her for hospitality offered to you in Italy
- E-mail to a friend who is lying under treatment in a hospital
- E-mail to your neighbour requesting him to stop playing music in high pitch
- E-mail to attend the marriage ceremony of your elder sister
- E-mail to congratulations Your brother passed the SSC Examination
- E-mail to your younger brother regular in his studies
- E-mail to your father how you have done in the last examination
- E-mail to your friend asking him to return the book
- E-mail to your friends Victory Day you performed in a programme
- E-mail to your cousins informing him of the outing you have enjoyed
- E-mail to help you by sending a suggestion
- E -mail to retun your book
- E-mail to your friend you received from him on a gift on your birthday
- E-mail to your friend inviting him to join the picnic
- E-mail to the Graduate Admission for overseas students
- E-mail to your friend how you have PREpare yourself for the ensuing HSC Examination
- E-mail to your foreign friend narrating the scenic beauty of Bangladeshi
- E-mail to congratulating your friend
- Email to the Mayor to establish a children's park
- Email about recent visit to Paharpur
- Email about celebration of Victory Day at school
- Email-Picnic You Have Enjoyed Recently
- Email-What You Intend to Do After SSC Examination
- Annual prize giving ceremony
- সহজেই পাশ | যেকোনো Email লেখার নিয়ম
- Email | To Your Father About The Progress Of Your Studies
- Email | To Your Foreign Friend About Bangladeshi Food And Food Habits
- Email | To Your Friend Describing Your Home
- Email | To Your Friend About Your Aim In Life
- Email | To Your Friend How You Spent Your Last Summer Vacation
- Email | To The Headmaster/Principal Of XYZ School/College Dor The Necessary Information Of Admission
- Email | To Your Headmaster For Leave Of Absence
- Email | To The Upazila Nirbahi Officer Seeking Immediate Arrangement For Emergency Treatment In Your Locality
- Email | To The Manager Of The Travel Agency To Cancel The Ticket Booked For You
- Email | To The Ecommerce Sales Officer To Send You A DvD That You Have Chosen On Their Website
- Email | Asking For A Testimonial / Character Certificate
- Email | To Your Pen- Friend Inviting Him To Visit Your Country
- Email | To Your Friend About A Historical Place You Have Visited Recently
- Email | To Your Friend Telling Him About A Movie You Have Recently Watched
- Email | To Your Friend Describing About The Cultural Programme
- Email | Cancellation Of The Ticket That Was Booked For You
- Email | To Your Friend Telling Him Importance Of Learning English
- Email | To Your Younger Brother Telling Him The Importance Of Reading Newspaper
- Email | Returning A Book
- Email | Send A Message To Your Friend Consoling Him At His Father's Death
- Email | Send A Message To Your Friend Thanking Him For His Hospitality
- Email | Send A Message To Your Friend Thanking Him For His Hospitality
- Email | Send A Message To Your Friend Thanking Him For His Hospitality
- Email | Send A Message To Your Friend To Join Your Birthday Party
- Email | Send A Message Your Friend Thanking Him For Sending A Birthday Present
- Email | Inform Your Friend What You Will Do After The SSC Examination
- Email | About The Result Of Your School
- Email | Invitation Letter To Attend Elder Sister Marriage Ceremony
- Email | Bad Effects Of Smoking
- Email | About A Street Accident
- Email | Congratulation On Brilliant Success
- Email | Borrowing A Book
- Email | What Lessonss Were Taught In The Class Yesterday
- Email | Advice To Your Younger Brother To Be Regular In His Studies
- Email | About Your Physical Condition
- Email | Result Of The Last Examination
- Email | About Next Birthday
- Email | Asking For Some Money
- Email লেখার নিয়ম
- Email | Organize An Olympiad Math Competition
- Email | Lending A Book
- Write an e-mail to your friend Invitation to attend marriage ceremony.
- Write an e-mail to your friend request to visit your house during the Eid vacation.
- Write an e-mail to the editor request to inform details about the Inter School Debate Competition
- Write an e-mail to the DC of your district for granting relief for the flood affected people
- Write an e-mail to your friend for return the book immediately
- Write an e-mail to the Union Parishad Chairman for repairing the damaged roads
- write an e-mail to your headmaster for increasing common room facilities.
- Write an email to the manager of the travel agency to cancel the ticket booked for you
- Send an E-mail to your father informing him your progress of studies
- Write an e-mail to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality
- Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for a nice birthday present
- Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success
- Write an e-mail to Your younger brother telling him about the importance of reading newspaper.
- Write an e-mail to your sister abojut the Importance of learning English
- Writ an e-mail to your Friend You have watched a cricket match Now share your joys with your friend,
- Write an E-mail to your father Asking to send money for buy books
- Write an e-mail About the picnic, You enjoyed
- Write an e-mail About your hobby
- Write an e-mail about your aim in life
Nutural of Bangladesh how to email????
Natural of Bangladesh email niy