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Write a letter to your friend describing about a train journey

Dear Salam,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share my experience of a train journey with you. It was my first time traveling by train, and it was really special.

I got a letter from my uncle in Chittagong, along with a train ticket. He invited me to come and stay with them for a few days. The ticket was for a train called "Fokkar" on September 30, 2004. I reached Zia International Airport about an hour before the train was supposed to leave. I had my ticket checked and my bags weighed, and then I got a boarding card.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, they announced that it was time to board the train. Along with the other passengers, I walked to the train on the big path (tarmac), and I got on. I had a seat right next to a window. There was a sign in front of me that said, "Fasten your seat belt. No smoking."

After a little while, the train started moving on the tracks and then it slowly started to go faster and lift off the ground, just like an airplane. I looked outside the window, and everything below looked like tiny dollhouses, the fields looked like soft green carpets, and the rivers seemed like wide lines on a paper. It was amazing!

During the journey, a friendly staff member came by with a tray of light and tasty snacks. It took about 40 minutes for the train to reach Chittagong Airport, and that's where my journey ended. The whole experience was really exciting and filled my heart with joy.

This journey brought a nice change and some fun to my usual routine. I just wanted to share this with you.

Take care and talk to you soon.

With love,
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