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Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result.

Dear Nusrat,

I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you from Binodpur, Magura, on August 23, 2014.

First, let me send you my warmest greetings. I really hope you're in good health, thanks to the blessings of Allah. As for me, I'm also doing well, all thanks to Allah. I was really happy to receive your letter with such wonderful news. I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing success. Even my parents were delighted to hear about your achievements.

I wanted to let you know that you're always welcome to come and visit us at our home. We'd be really glad to have you over whenever you can make it.

Wishing you all the best in everything you do. I'll keep it short for now. We can talk more when we meet in person.

Sending my regards,

Nawsin Rahman

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