Application For Full Free Studentship
Date: dd-mm-yyyy
To: The Principal
Anandamoyee Girls' High School
Subject: Request for Full-Free Studentship
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing to respectfully request your assistance regarding my education. Currently, my father works as a farmer, and his earnings are not sufficient to cover my educational expenses. I am in need of a full-free studentship in order to continue pursuing my studies.
I am a student of Class X at your esteemed institution. My family consists of eight members, and my father is the sole breadwinner. With three members attending school, it has become increasingly challenging for my father to manage the financial burden of my education. Despite these circumstances, I am proud to share that I achieved the top position in the recent Annual Examination.
I kindly ask for your consideration and support in granting me a full-free studentship. This opportunity would enable me to carry on with my studies and achieve my academic goals.
Thank you for your attention to my request. I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Class-X, Roll No-8