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Application For The Establishment Of a Debating Club

Date: 22nd February, 2015

The Headmaster,
'A' High School,

Subject: Request for the Establishment of a Debating Club

Dear Sir,

We, the students of your school, want to express that currently, we do not have a debating club here. However, we strongly feel that having a debating club is important for us. Debating helps us learn and grow in many ways. It teaches us how to speak well and think clearly. It also shows us the difference between right and wrong, making us more aware. Moreover, it prepares us for leadership roles in the future.

With utmost respect, we kindly request you to please consider creating a debating club in our school. It would be wonderful if a teacher could guide us in this endeavor.

Thank you for your consideration.

The students of 'X' High School

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