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Paragraph | A Fire Fighter

Paragraph A Fire Fighter
The man who puts out fires from any fire occurrence is called fire fighter. Generally, the fire fighters are the first responder and the first emergency person at traffic accident or any kind of fire accident. Fire fighters are the most valuable contributor in our society. They protect our valuable life and property from fires. Generally, fire fighters are divided into many individuals; such as commanding officers, house operators, and pump operators. The well trained fire fighter works on special group. The rescue members take out fire and help the injured people until ambulances arrive. They always wait for getting any news about fire from the common people. Getting any news of fire they run quickly to put out fire. The fire fighters lead very common life and several times their lives become risky. They always run to rescue the fire affected people. Infect, the fire fighters are the inevitable people of the society of any nation. We should respect them.
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