Story | A Responsible Boy
Once a boy named Rakib was coming from school on foot. Suddenly he noticed a money bag lying beside the road. He thought for a while that somebody must drop it. There might be valuable things in it. He waited and looked around. But nobody came to take it. At last he took the money bag and went home. Reaching home, he showed it to his mother. His mother opened the bag and found some money and a visiting card. At once she phoned the visiting card holder. She asked him if he had lost anything. He replied in the affirmative and said that he had lost his money bag that day. Then Rakib's mother told him everything and gave her address. In the evening the gentleman came to Rakib's house. Then Rakib's mother gave him his lost money bag. He became very happy. He thanked both Rakib and his mother for their responsibility. He also gave Rakib a book and a pen as token of his love.