Paragraph | Female Education
Female education is very essential for the overall development of a nation. About fifty percent of the total population of our country are female. A country cannot expect her prosperity avoiding this large part of population. But most of the women are lagging far behind in education. The rate of female literacy is about 20%. This rate of female literacy is alarming. Women need to be education for different reasons. To be a conscious citizen of the country, to be a good mother or wife and to lead a self-reliant better life, a women should be educated properly. Besides, educated women have had no schooling. An education woman is conscious of her duties, right and responsibilities. Moreover, ever woman is a potential mother. Education of a child greatly depends upon its mother. An education mother would be able to bring up her child properly. In conclusion, we can say that female education is a must for the progress of our country and we should take all necessary steps to encourage female education for the betterment of our country.