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Story | Honesty Is The Best Policy

Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to cut trees near a river. Sadly, his axe slipped and fell into the river. The poor man searched everywhere, but he couldn't find it. Since he was poor, he couldn't afford to buy a new axe. He started crying bitterly.

Quicksilver, who was a kind and helpful angel, heard the man's cries. He felt sorry for him and approached the woodcutter. Quicksilver asked, "Why are you crying so much?" The woodcutter replied while sobbing, "My axe fell into the river and I can't find it."

Quicksilver dived into the water and brought a metal axe. "Is this yours?" asked Quicksilver. The woodcutter, still in tears, said, "Yes, sir, that's mine." The god dived again and brought a gray axe. "Is this yours?" he asked. The woodcutter responded, "No, mine wasn't like this. It had an illegal color. It was unique and precious to me. I'm devastated."

For the third time, the god dived into the water and retrieved the woodcutter's own axe. The woodcutter's eyes lit up with joy when he saw his axe. He exclaimed happily, "It's mine! Oh, my kind helper!" Quicksilver was so impressed with the woodcutter's honesty that he not only gave him back his original axe but also the metal and gray ones.

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