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Story | King Midas

There was this king named King Midas who wanted more and more riches, even though he was already very wealthy. One day, he asked his magician to find a spell that could give him even more treasures. The magician told him, "Your majesty, I can give you a power that nobody else in the world has. Anything you touch will turn into gold." The king was so happy to hear this! Every single thing he touched turned into gold, like trees, grass, tables, chairs, flowers, and vases. He thought he must be the richest man ever. But in the evening, when he sat down to eat, he was shocked. His food turned into gold as soon as he touched it, so he went to bed hungry! But the king was too greedy to feel sad about it.

The next morning, his daughter ran to hug him. But sadly, as soon as she kissed him, she turned into a gold statue! King Midas was devastated because he loved his daughter very much. He quickly went to the magician and begged for help. He cried out, "Please, kind magician! I don't want to be rich anymore. I just want my dear daughter back." The magician reversed the spell and everything went back to normal. King Midas learned his lesson and never felt greedy again.

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