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Story | The Cowboy And The Tiger

There lived a cowboy in a certain village. He grazed the cattles in the field near the forest. He used to cut grasses, wash away the cattles and feed them. Besides his usual duty he sang, played flute and gossiped with other boys. The boy had a bad habit. At times, he shouted saying 'tiger.' People used to come running towards him hearing his shouting. He got pleased with this. One day at afternoon, he was grazing in the field. Suddenly he saw a tiger. He became afraid and shouted saying tiger again and again. But nobody came to save him. He tried to climb up the tree, but failed. The tiger attacked very swiftly and killed him. When people found him as a dead body, they had nothing to do. I think that sometimes we ourselves create the tragedy in our life Same thing happened in the cowboy's life. If he didn't tell a lie shouting 'tiger', people would come running and perhaps he might avoid the danger. So we should not tell a lie even for making a fun.

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