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Story | The Three Brothers

Once there was a very rich man who had three sons. He wanted to decide how to divide his big house and all his money between them when he passed away. He thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a plan.

One day, he called his three sons together and said, "I will give all my wealth to the one who becomes an expert in a trade." The three brothers were happy with this idea and quickly went off to learn different jobs. The oldest son became a blacksmith, the second son became a barber, and the youngest son became a fencing master.

After they became skilled in their respective trades, they returned home. Their father asked them to prove their abilities. The oldest son stopped a horse-drawn carriage, took off the old horseshoes, and made new ones very quickly. The father was impressed with his son's skill. The oldest son believed he was the best and deserved to inherit everything.

Then the merchant called his second son. He picked up a rabbit, put soap on it, and shaved off its whiskers and fur like a professional barber. When he saw his father's happy face, the second son thought he would be the one to receive the wealth.

Finally, it was time to test the skills of the youngest son. It started raining heavily. The youngest son skillfully waved his sword above his head, stopping all the raindrops from falling on his body. The father, who had never seen anything like that before, was amazed. He immediately decided to give the entire property to his youngest son. The other two brothers were stunned and agreed that what their youngest brother did was truly amazing.

After the merchant passed away, all three sons lived happily in the big house together.

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