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Story | The Wise Owl

A big group of owls arrived in a jungle. The jungle had lots of green and lively trees. They could choose any tree they liked to make their homes.

The young owls picked a nice, green tree for themselves. There was an old owl in their group, and the others made him choose an old, half-dead tree. The old owl had to be satisfied with what he got.

Time passed by. The young owls would often feel proud of their tree choices and would tease the old owl, saying things like, "Oh, you poor thing! You couldn't find a lively and green tree. You have a dry and half-dead tree. You're really unlucky." But the old owl was wise. He would just smile quietly at their comments. Sometimes he would say, "Who knows if you're lucky or if I am!" The young owls would just laugh at him.

One day, many people who cut trees came to the jungle looking for wood. They were fascinated by the lively and green trees. So they started chopping them down with their sharp axes.

The young owls made a lot of noise when they saw their homes being destroyed. But they couldn't do anything and could only watch helplessly.

When the tree cutters looked at the old, half-dead tree, they said, "Oh! This tree is dry. It's not useful to us because it won't give us enough wood. Why should we waste our time on it?" So they left and didn't touch the old, half-dead tree.

The old owl's nest was spared.

Moral: Sometimes, something bad can turn out to be something good!

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