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Story | Unwise Start Leads To A Sad End

Once upon a time, in a thick forest, there was a little mouse who lived near a pool. Every now and then, a frog would come out of the water to enjoy the warm sunshine. Surprisingly, the mouse and the frog became good friends.

However, their friendship faced a big problem. The frog lived in the water, while the mouse lived on land. It wasn't a suitable match. This unfortunate situation led to a tragic outcome.

One day, the frog came up with an idea. He suggested that they tie themselves together with a string so they would never be apart. The mouse thought it was a great idea and agreed.

So, they tied their legs together and everything seemed fine when they were on land. But when they went into the pool, it turned into a disaster for the mouse. The frog happily swam around in the water, dragging the mouse with him. Sadly, the poor mouse couldn't swim and ended up drowning. His lifeless body floated on the surface of the pool.

Up above in the sky, a kite noticed the dead mouse. It swiftly swooped down to grab the mouse and make it a meal. Unfortunately for the frog, he was still attached to the mouse and got carried away by the kite as well.

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