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Dialogue | Between You And Your Friend Aslam About The Cause, Effect And Solution Of Ecological Imbalance

Me: Hey! Aslam, what are you thinking about?

Aslam: Oh, I'm thinking about our environment! I'm really scared for it.

Me: What's happening to our environment?

Aslam: It's in big trouble!

Me: But why?

Aslam: It's because people are destroying forests and places where animals live.

Me: Why are they doing that?

Aslam: For their own small interests.

Me: What happens as a result of those actions?

Aslam: There's a big problem with nature, and now our animals are at risk of disappearing forever.

Me: What should we do?

Aslam: We need to take strong actions to protect the forests and animals.

Me: I agree with you. I think it's about time we took those actions. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time with me.

Aslam: Thank you too.

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