Report | Gender Discrimination that exists in your family of locality.
Staff Correspondent :
Gender discrimination prevails more or less in everywhere around the globe. From family to national level it exists as a social phenomenon.
At family level, gender discrimination begins even before a girl is born. It has always seen that even before a girl is born. It has always seen that both the parents expect a baby boy. Gender discrimination in our locality has reached such a height that even a man often unjustly breaks up the marriage tie because his wife has given birth to a baby girl.
During visits to different families it is found that boys get more nutrition than the girls. The mothers, despite being women, commit this ill practice thinking that boys need more food. They don’t believe that both girls and boys need equal amount of nutrition to grow up healthily.
In education the discrimination is also severe. The parents are found more willing to send their plan an early marriage for their daughters and thus don’t let her go for higher education.
In job sector, a female applicant is sometimes turned down even if she is more qualified than many of her male counterparts. During interviews of different human resource personnel, it is leaned that hiring companies don’t want to take women in administrative posts.
Although there is widespread prejudice against women that they are not as skilled as men, scientific and social researches rule down this view as mere superstition.