Report | The impact of climate change on the people of southern part of the country.
Staff Correspondent:
Staff Reporter: Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate change. The entire country is basically a vast delta. It has always left the country at the mercy of weather. Bangladesh as a low lying country has become the worst victim of climate change. The following findings were made after a survey on the impacts of climate change in southern region.
1. Disappearing seasons
Seasons are disappearing due to climate change Summer and rainy seasons are prolonging, whereas winter is shrinking. The change in season patterns is affecting the health of the people.
2. Salty water intrusion
About 8.3 Lakh hectares of cultivable land has been damaged by saline water intrusion from the Bay of Bengal.
3. River bank erosion
River bank erosion is increasing day by day making thousands of people homeless.
4. Drought
Huge amount of crops are being damaged due to drought every year.
5. Floods
Thousands of tones of rice are damaged due to floods every year. Besides, thousands of people get marooned because of floods.