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Application | To The Headmaster Prayer For Buying More Books For Our School Library.

Date: 07/10/2015
The headmaster,
Eidgha high school,
Hathazari, Chittagong.

Subject: Prayer for buying more books for our school library.

Dear Sir,

We would like to expose here that we are the student of your famous school. Our school is adorned with many modern facilities. Thought it has a library, it is not enriched with enough books, as a result, all the students of our school do not have enough chance of using and reading books in need of any book. And so our school library should be enriched with more books or our massive betterment.
It is therefore, hoped that you would be kind enough to enrich our library with more books and help us to develop our latent talent.

I remain sir,
Your most obediently.

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