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Exercise For Common Mistakes

Confusion of number

Exercise 1:

Give the correct number, is or are, in the following:
1. The news I’ve received____good.

2. Where ____ the money?

3. His trainers ____ worn out.

4. Maths ____ my poorest subject.

5. Riches ____ sought after by all.

6. Our furniture ____ getting old.

7. This pair of scissors ____ not sharp.

8. Eating fish ____ very healthy.

9. The number of mobile phones ____ increasing.

10. The sheep ____ grazing in the field.

Exercise 2:

Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. Her advices were very wise.

2. You was the first to do it.

3. The class wasn’t able to agree.

4. I’ve many works to do this morning.

5. The thunders and lightnings frightened the little girl.

6. I’ve more than two dozens of books at home.

7. The poors say that riches does not make a man happy.

8. She waited at the terminal for her luggages.

9. You should go and have your hairs cut, they’re too long.

10. I’m waiting for more informations about this matter.

Exercise 3:

Write sentences showing whether the following nouns can be used in the singular or in the plural:
1. News

2. Money

3. Advice

4. Riches

5. Dozen

6. Knowledge

7. Spectacles

8. Gymnastics

9. Furniture

10. Damage

Nouns often confused

Exercise 4:

Use house or home in these sentences:
1. I live in a ____.

2. My ____ is in Cyprus.

3. Many ____ are being built this year.

4. East or West, ____ is best.

5. The ____ was sold for 150,000 tk.

6. Let us go inside the ____.

Exercise 5:

Use habit or custom in these sentences:
1. You should get into the ____ of brushing your teeth after meals.

2. It’s the ____ of many people to pray for rain.

3. He has a ____of biting his nails.

4. Smoking isn’t a good ____.

5. The ____ of showing hospitality to strangers is ancient.

Exercise 6:

Fill in the blanks with one of the nouns in brackets:
1. The ancient ____ of Greece is an interesting subject (story, history).

2. His ____ was swollen and he couldn’t get his shoe on (foot, leg).

3. The strong ____ spoilt the game (wind, air).

4. Mr Brown is my lawyer and I’ve been his ____ for many years (customer, client).

5. We’ve been given a long ____ to learn by heart (poem, poetry).

6. She can play the violin and other ____ (organs, instruments).

7. The ____ of Switzerland is very beautiful (scene, scenery).

8. There wasn’t much ____anywhere (shade, shadow).

9. The ship was sunk in the ____ of the Atlantic (middle, centre).

10. The students will do a ____ at the end of the year (theatre, play).

Comparative or superlative

Exercise 7:

Rewrite the following with the correct adjectives in brackets:
1. He’s the (strong) boy in the whole school.

2. Of the two sisters, Mary is the (beautiful).

3. Ann is the (young) of four sisters.

4. John is the (old) of all my friends.

5. This is the (good) novel I’ve ever read.

6. Which do you think is (good), tea or coffee?

7. Iron is the (useful) of all metals.

8. The Nile is the (long) river in Africa.

9. Which of the two girls is (tall)?

10. David is (bad) than his brother.

Exercise 8:

Correct the following, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. Alexandria is smaller from Cairo.

2. New York is the largest city in the United States.

3. He’s the better student from all.

4. John is more stronger than his brother.

5. My handwriting is more bad than my sister’s.

6. Which is the heaviest you or I?

7. Which of these three girls is the elder?

8. This boy’s manners are more good than his brother’s.

9. Which of the girls is the taller in the class?

10. Mount Everest is the higher mountain of the world.

Adjectives often confused

Exercise 9:

Use many or much in these sentences:
1. He hasn’t ____ money.

2. Have they ____ books?

3. There isn’t ____ food in the house.

4. Does she take ____ interest in it?

5. I haven’t ____ time.

6. Are there ____ pupils absent today?

7. How ____ does this book cost?

8. ____ rain has fallen on the mountains.

9. He doesn’t know ____English.

10. ____ too people went to the concert.

Exercise 10:

Use few or a few, little or a little in these sentences:
1. As he has ____ books, he isn’t able to study.

2. Will you have ____ tea?

3. He’s very ill, there’s ____ hope for him.

4. There are ____ apples in the bowl, help yourself to some.

5. ____  people study Latin nowadays.

6. He can’t afford it as he only has ____  money left.

7. As she didn’t speak clearly, ____  people understood what she said.

8. ____ people will admit their faults.

9. We must save ____ money for our journey home.

10. I have ____  friends in London who will help me.

Exercise 11:

Use ill or sick in these sentences:
1. She was suddenly taken ____.

2. The meat was bad, and made everybody ____.

3. He went to the hospital to visit the ____.

4. The ____ man died yesterday.

5. When we’re ____ we go to the doctor.

6. Those who are in bad health are said to be ____.

7. The ____ and the wounded were taken to hospital.

8. He’s with ____ a bad cold.

9. When I travel by boat I’m always ____.

10. She felt ____ and left in the middle of the game.

Exercise 12:

Use some or any in these sentences:
1. I’ve got ____  new CDs at home.

2. There aren’t ____  flowers in the garden.

3. Have you ____  brothers in this school?

4. Did you buy ____  stamps at the post office?

5. Have I ____  got e-mails this morning?

Exercise 13:

Use his or her in these sentences:
1. The father told ____  daughter to come back.

2. She gave the money to ____  uncle’s neighbour.

3. He sent a letter to ____  niece.

4. The woman lost ____ son.

5. The grandfather gave a nice gift to ____ daughter’s eldest son.

Exercise 14:

Use interesting or interested in these sentences:
1. I’m ____  in English.

2. Was the film ____  last night?

3. The book is ____  from beginning to end.

4. She’s a most ____  lady.

5. Are you ____ in computers?

Exercise 15:

Fill in the blanks with one of the adjectives in brackets:
1. He sat down and said nothing ____ . (farther, further)

2. Is that the ____ edition of The Times? (last, latest)

3. Wash your hands if they’re not ____. (clean, clear)

4.  A prize was given to ____ one of the two best pupils. (each, every)

5. She knows ____words than her brother. (less, fewer)

6. Several people were ____when the train ran off the track. (wounded, injured)

7. Jane is ____ than her cousin. (higher, taller)

8. Tom is three years old, he’s too ____ to go to school. (small, young)

9. James is my ____  brother. (older, elder)

10. My sister Emma is ____ than I am. (older, elder)


Exercise 16:

Fill in the blanks with a or an where necessary:
1. Swimming is ____ great fun.

2. The plane made ____ terrible noise.

3. What sort of ____ man is he?

4. My aunt made ____ fortune in America.

5. He saved up more than ____thousand pounds.

6. The train left half ____hour ago.

7. She’s made ____great progress in English.

8. She’s ____clever girl.

9. He tried without success to find ____work.

10. Vitamins are necessary for ____ good health.

Exercise 17:

Fill in the blanks with the where necessary:
1. My little brother will go to ____  school next year.

2. My father left ____ school many years ago.

3. ____  red, ____ blue and ____ green are beautiful colours.

4. ____ cotton of Egypt is exported to many countries.

5. ____ Nile flows into Mediterranean.

6. What time is ____  lunch.

7. She can speak ____ French.

8. She speaks ____ German better than ____ English.

9. ____ flies are harmful insects.

10. The boy was sent to ____ post office to post a letter.

Relative pronouns

Exercise 18:

Put relative pronouns in each of the following:
1. That’s the boy ____came yesterday.

2. The man to ____I spoke is my brother.3. The girl ____mother is ill has left school.

4. This is the pen ____I bought.

5. I can’t repeat all ____ I heard.

6. He’s a boy ____ I know you can trust.

7. She’s the girl ____ we thought had been ill.

8. He’s the tallest man ____ I ever saw.

9. She’s the same ____ she’s always been.

10. I like to help those ____ I love and ____ I know love me.

Interrogative pronouns

Exercise 19:

Put interrogative pronouns in each of the following:
1. ____do you find easier to learn, English or French?

2. ____were you talking about? (the cinema)

3. ____is this book? (my uncle’s)

4. ____of the two players do you like better?

5. ____do you think I wanted? (your brother)

6. ____of the three boys spoke?

7. ____did you say won the prize?

8. ____is he, do you suppose? (a lawyer)

9. ____of your brothers works in the bank?

10. ____is the number of your house?

Repetition of subject or object

Exercise 20:

Rewrite the following sentences, leaving out unnecessary pronouns and making other necessary changes:
1. The prizes they were given to the boys.

2. The girl she said nothing.

3. The teacher gave us an exercise to do it.

4. He went home and he got his book.

5. The book which it is on the table is mine.

6. Students who are good at their lessons they get good marks.

7. She gave us a football to play with it.

8. The people, having seen the game, they went away.

9. The headmaster I have seen him just now.

10. The scorpion it has a sting in its tail.

Miscellaneous examples

Exercise 21:

Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. One should mind his own business.

2. The most of the people are fond of the cinema.

3. This is the boy which is always late.

4. I speak English better than him.

5. She told her mother all what had been said.

6. This cake is for you and myself.

7. I want to give me your book, please.8. Is a very good girl

.9. It is them.

10. I and Stephen are friends.

Sequence of tenses

Exercise 22:

Put the verbs in brackets into the tenses required:
1. I thought that he (can) run much faster.

2. The boy said that he (begin) his work tomorrow.

3. She says she (understand) French very well.

4. The teacher said, ‘London (be) the largest city in the world.

5. The teacher said that London (be) the capital of England.

6. I was sure that he (will) succeed.

7. I asked her if she (want) anything.

8. They say that he (will) pass the exam.

9. She told me that she (feet) very tired.

10. The boy worked hard so that he (may) not fail in the exam.

Exercise 23:

Complete the following, using a verb in the required tense:
1. Laura told me that she ____ .

2. I asked him whether he ____ .

3. James said that he ____ .

4. Our teacher taught us that ____ .

5. Sarah gave me a promise that she____ .

6. The boys said that ____ .

7. I knew that she ____ .

8. I asked him to wait until____ .

9. I thought that she ____ .

10. He didn’t come when ____ .

Use of the wrong tense

Exercise 24:

Supply the correct tense, Simple Present or Present Continuous, in the following:
1. I (to go) to school every day.

2. He (to go) to the school now.

3. Look! They (to come) towards us.

4. Now I (to hear) her clearly.

5. Every morning I (to take) a walk by the river.

6. The sun (to rise) in the east and (to set) in the west.

7. The teacher (to watch) me when I (to write).

8. We (to go) to the cinema this evening.

9. I (to read) English now.

10. People (to use) umbrellas when it (to rain).

Exercise 25:

Supply the correct tense, Simple Past Tense or Past Continuous, in the following:
1. When I (come) in, it (rain).

2. Many years ago people (travel) on horseback.

3. I (meet) him as I (go) home.

4. He (go) to another school last year.

5. My father (play) football in his youth.

6. We (eat) our dinner when he (come) to visit us.

7. In the past he (smoke) a great deal.

8. They (shout) when the teacher (enter) the room.

9. Last year he (study) very hard.10. While he (play) football he (lose) his watch.

Exercise 26:

Supply the correct tense, Simple Pat Tense or Present Perfect, in the following:
1. He (come) back last week.

2. I just (finish) my work.

3. I (live) in London last year.

4. The bell (ring) five minutes ago.

5. I (see) the Pyramids of Egypt.

6. He (write) the book in 1936.

7. She (be) ill with fever since last Saturday.

8. The ship (arrive) yesterday.

9. I (stay) at my uncle’s last night.

10. I (deposit) the money in the bank.

Exercise 27:

Supply the correct tense, Simple Past Tense or Past Perfect, in the following:
1. I (want) to see you yesterday.

2. He (tell) me that he (see) me the day before yesterday.

3. There (be) a strong wind last night.

4. The girl (find) the book which she (lose).

5. When I (run) a mile, I (be) very tired.

6. The tourist (talk) about the countries she (visit).

7. When I (be) a boy I (study) music.

8. The Romans (speak) Latin.

9. After he (finish) his work he (go) to bed.

10. She (sleep) an hour when I (wake) her.

Exercise 28:

Complete the following, using the correct tense:
1. We’ll go for a picnic, if ____.

2. I’ll visit the Pyramids when ____.

3. Some people talk as if ____.

4. Since he came her ____.

5. You would have passed if ____.

Exercise 29:

Rewrite the following with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:
1. After he (finish) his work he (go) home.

2. I (study) English for two years.

3. I (finish) my work this morning.

4. I (do) my homework before Tom (call) for me.

5. He said he (will) go to the cinema.

6. I not (see) her since Wednesday.

7. I (speak) to her five minutes ago. 

8. I (study) grammar last year.

9. She always (whisper) during the lesson.10. The courier (come) back.

Exercise 30:

Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. Richard said that he is working hard.

2. How long did you waited for me yesterday?

3. She speaks English very well, but I’m not sure whether she can speaks French too.

4. He is on the team for two years.

5. I have seen her yesterday at church.

6. What do you do now? – I do my project.

7. I use to get up early.

8. Paul acts as if he is a rich man.

9. I’ll speak to him as soon as he will come.

10. I told Jill to come with us, but she says that she isn’t feeling well.

Third person singular

Exercise 31:

Put the following into the third person singular, present tense:
1. I always do my homework carefully, but Mike never ____.

2. Karen’s friends often go fishing, but she never ____.

3. I haven’t got a new computer, but Rosie ____.

4. Simon has tickets for the match, but Bruce ____.

5. She walks to work every day, but her husband ____.

6. We comb and brush our hair, but our sister ____.

7. Robin has a broken arm, but Carol ____.

8. I haven’t got time for breakfast, but my sister ____.

9. I sit and talk to my friends, but my mother ____.

10. I go to school by bike, but my friend ____.

Exercise 32:

Fill the blanks with the right word, don’t or doesn’t, in the following:
1. I ___think so.

2. John ____ know how to swim.

3. He ____ play football well/

4. It ____ matter what they say.

5. Some pupils ____ take good care of their books.

6. ____ you know where I live?

7. Why ____ you try?

8. Teachers ____ like lazy pupils.

9. Lucy ____speak English very well.

10. ____ be afraid of the dog!

Questions and negations

Exercise 33:

Rewrite the following sentences (a) as questions, (b) as negative sentences:
1. He went home.

2. You told me to wait.

3. I made a mistake.

4. She broke the window.

5. She opened the document.

6. He speaks English.

7. He bought a new calculator.

8. She found her disk.

9. Mary came late.

10. He knew the answer.

Exercise 34:

Answer the following questions (a) in the affirmative, (b) in the negative, using complete sentences:
1. Did you buy a new printer?

2. Does John often swim across the river?

3. Did you find the book that you lost?

4. Does she always ring the bell?

5. Did he go to London last year?

6. Did she teach you anything?

7. Did you know the answer to the problem?

8. Does he speak many languages?

9. Do you think it will rain?

10. Did they catch the thief?

Exercise 35:

Correct whatever is wrong with the following questions:
1. You were at the cinema last night?

2. At what time did she came yesterday?

3. You will go home next week?

4. He has returned from leave?

5. Does she speaks French?

6. You have some good news for me?

7. He can drive a car?

8. You heard about the accident?

9. Why she comes here every day?

10. When the post will come?

Question phrases

Exercise 36:

Complete the following, adding question phrases:
1. She sings well, ____?

2. He can’t swim, ____?

3. You play the piano, ____?

4. It’s cool today, ____?

5. It isn’t warm today, ____?

Indirect questions

Exercise 37:

Change the following into indirect questions:
1. I asked him, ‘How much did you pay for your bicycle?’I asked him how much he…

2. She asked her guest, ‘Do you want tea or coffee?’She asked her guest if she…

3. I asked him, ‘What’s your idea?’I asked him what his…

4. We asked them, ‘Where are you going?’ We asked them where…

5. They asked the assistant, ‘What’s the price of this PC?’They asked the assistant what…

6. He asked me, ‘Did you ring the bell?’ He asked me if…

7. The tourist asked us, ‘Which is the way to the airport?’The tourist asked us which…

8. The teacher asked me, ‘Why are you crying?’The teacher asked me why…

9. My father asked me, ‘Why are you so late?’My father asked me why…

10. She asked me, ‘How long does it take to get there?’She asked me how…

Double negative

Exercise 38:

Rewrite the following sentences correctly:
1. I couldn’t find him nowhere

.2. There isn’t no one here who knows her name.

3. I didn’t see nobody there.

4. He didn’t tell me nothing.

5. He isn’t neither wise nor good.

6. You will find the box nowhere.

7. We didn’t give him nothing.

8. I don’t know nothing.

9. He didn’t speak to no one in the room.

10. Nobody never saw him without his stick.


Exercise 39:

Write the words which each of the following contractions stand for:
1. Don’t

2. Doesn’t

3. Aren’t

4. Isn’t

5. Wasn’t

6. Can’t

7. Couldn’t

8. Haven’t

9. We’ll

10. You’ve

Exercise 40:

Write contractions for the following:
1. Would not

2. I am

3. I have

4. I will

5. Had not

6. He is

7. It is

8. Will not

9. Shall not

10. Must not

Verbs often confused

Exercise 41:

 Put shall or will in he following:
1. Tomorrow ____ be Sunday.

2. All right, I ____ come.

3. You ____ not leave this room until you finish your work.

4. You ____ find your books on the table.

5. ____ I bring my books with me?

6. He ____ go to school this year.

7. No! I ____ never do that.

8. I ____ write a few letters tomorrow.

9. I ____ do it whether they like it or not.

10. ‘We ____ be as quiet as mice,’ promised the children.

Exercise 42:

Use the correct form of say or tell in the following:
1. He always ____  the truth.

2. Simon ____ , I shall go tomorrow.

3. She ____  nothing.4. They ____  that she is ill.

5. He ____  that he’d go the next day.

6. I ____  him that I’d go with him.

7. She ____  to me, ‘I’m not feeling well.

8. What’s he ____ing?

9. Don’t ____ lies.

10. Amy ____ me that she would go home.

Exercise 43:

Use the correct form of make or do in the following:
1. Some of the best cheeses are ____ in France.

2. He ____ his best to help me.

3. Have you ____your homework?

4. I have only ____ one mistake.

5. If you take this medicine, it’ll ____ you good.

6. ____ whatever you like.

7. What were you ____ing when I came in?

8. Did you ____your homework carefully?

9. Don’t ____ a noise.

10. They often ____fun of her at school.

Exercise 44:

Use the correct form of lie or lay in the following:
1. I’ll go and ____ down.

2. The book was ____ing on the floor.

3. He ____ down to rest.

4. She told the dog to ____  down.

5. The hen has ____  an egg.

6. How long have you ____  in bed?

7. She ____  to the teacher.

8. He ordered his troops to ____  down.

9. I ____  the book on the table.

10. Yesterday she ____ in bed until midday.

Exercise 45:

Use the correct form of sit, seat or set in the following:
1. Please ____  down.

2. Please ____  yourself.3. Please be ____ .

4. The sun ____ in the west.

5. The boat will ____ twelve people.

6. The old man was ____ ing by the fire.

7. ____  the vase on the table.

8. The dog was ____ ing on the chair.9. The teacher ____  the boys as they came in.

10. I once in ____  that famous chair.

Exercise 46:

Use the correct form of rise or raise in the following:
1. Prices ____  during the war.

2. He promised to ____  her salary.

3. The balloon ____ in the sky.

4. The sun ____  at six o’clock.

5. He ____  his hat to the teacher.

6. The box is too heavy, I can’t ____ it.

7. She ____ from her seat and left the room.

8. I ____  very early in the morning.

9. The teacher told him not to ____ his voice.

10. We had ____  from table before she came in.

Exercise 47:

Use the correct form of wear, put on or dress in the following:
1. She often ____  a green coat.

2. I ____  my coat and went out.

3. The mother ____  the child.

4. She ____ a beautiful dress at the dance

.5. It takes him a long time to ____ his clothes.

6. He ____  a red tie yesterday.

7. She never ____  brown shoes.

8. Mary ____  herself and went to the party.

9. I’ll ____ my new dress at the wedding.

10. When he came in he was ____ ing his coat.

Exercise 48:

Use the correct form of let, let go, leave or give up in the following:
1. ____  your books here.

2. Does your father ____  you go swimming?

3. Please ____ my room.

4. I have ____  music lessons.

5. Where have you ____ your pen?

6. Mother will not ____ me go.

7. His old friends ____ him.

8. Please ____ of my hand.

9. Someone always ____ the door open.

10. ____ me go, too.

Exercise 49:

Use a correct form of fly, flow or flee in the following:
1. The plane ____  over the city.

2. The birds have ____  north for the summer.

3. He ____  from danger.

4. The water ____ all day.

5. The flies ____  through the window.

6. The Nile ____ into the Mediterranean.

7. He ____ from London to New York.

8. The prisoner has ____ from his guard.

9. Birds ____ .

10. The wild horses ____  from the men.

Exercise 50:

Use hung or hanged in the following:
1. He was found guilty and ____ .

2. Mother ____ the clothes up to dry.

3. The picture ____ on the wall.

4. The criminal was ____ .

5. She ____  his jacket up.

Exercise 51:

Use the correct form of borrow or lend in the following:
1. May I ____ your pen?

2. Please ____ me your book.

3. From whom did you ____ the money?

4. He’ll ____ you his knife.

5. You should avoid ____ ing things from others.

Exercise 52:

Use the correct from of steal or rob in the following:
1. They ____ the house and fled.

2. Someone has ____  his money.

3. ‘I’ve been ____ ,’ cried the lady.

4. When the bank was ____, the thieves escaped.

5. The cat will ____the dog’s food.

Exercise 53:

Use a correct form of refuse or deny in the following:
1. He ____ to do the work.

2. Clare ____that she’d seen him.

3. Do you ____that you broke the window?

4. I ____ to take the money.

5. I asked her to come with us, but she ____.

Exercise 54:

Use a correct form of learn or teach in the following:
1. She ____ her friends the nw game.

2. Will you ____ me how to swim?

3. He ____his lessons quickly.

4. My teacher ____me English.

5. Susan  wanted to ____ to drive.

Exercise 55:

Use the correct form of win or beat in the following:
1. We were sure to ____.

2. I can ____ him at chess.

3. The trophy was ____ by our school.

4. We’ve ____your team several times.

5. We’ve always ____.

Exercise 56:

Use the correct form of see or look in the following:
1. We can’t ____ in the dark.

2. Don’t ____out of the window.

3. Did you ____ that film?

4. When he ____ through the open window, he ____ it on the table.

5. The blind can’t ____.

Exercise 57:

Use a correct form of hear or listen in the following:
1. I ____ carefully but ____ nothing.

2. He can’t ____very well.

3. I was ____ing to the music.

4. The deaf can’t ____.

5. Let’s ____ to my new CD.

Exercise 58:

Use the correct form of like or want in the following:
1. I ____ to go to Athens next year.

2. Children ____to play computer games.

3. Do you ____to come with me for a drive?

4. She always ____ to get up early.

5. Do you ____to play tennis this afternoon?

Exercise 59:

Use a correct form of read or study in the following:
1. My father ____ The times.

2. The boy is ____ing for the exam.

3. When I finish ____ing geography, I’ll ____the letter.

4. She ____ a lot, but she doent ____for her exams.

5. When the students had ____the exam paper, they were advised to ____ the questions again.

Exercise 60:

Use fall or fell in the following:
1. Did the child ____ from the chair?

2. The plane ____ into the sea.

3. He ____down and broke his leg.

4. In winter the leaves ____from the trees.

5. You’ll ____if you’re not careful.

Exercise 61:

In the following sentences, choose the correct word from those in brackets:
1. Who (discovered, invented) the telephone?

2. The judge was (persuaded, convinced) that the man was guilty.

3. When will the meeting (take place, take part)?

4. He (took, received) a prize for his success.

5. It’s not wise to (interfere with, interfere in) family quarrels.6. He (is, is found) at the school in the morning.

7. At what time do you (sleep, go to bed)?

8. She didn’t (accept, agree) to go.

9. How does that man (win, earn) his living?

10. Please (remember, remind) me to give you the change.

Un-English expressions

Exercise 62:

Correct the following sentences, giving the correct idiom:
1. Few people will admit that they have wrong.

2. Every day I put my watch with the school clock.

3. Will, there be a game today afternoon?

4. He brought a good example.

5. Slowly, slowly, don’t make a noise.

6. The teacher didn’t put us a new lesson.

7. Come down from the bicycle.

8. When do you make your bath?

9. I have much work, I need an hour to finish it.

10. Many young people drink cigarettes.

Misuse of the infinitive

Exercise 63:

Put a suitable gerund in the following:
1. Do this without ____  any mistakes.

2. We don’t enjoy ____ .

3. He succeeded in ____ the door.

4. I can’t prevent you from ____ .

5. It’s no use ____ about everything.

6. She stopped ____ in class.

7. I was busy ____ ready for dinner.

8. It’s worth ____ well.

9. I’m thinking of ____ to London next year.

10. It’s no use ____ over spilt milk.

Exercise 64:

Make sentences of your own, using a gerund after each of the following:
1. Avoid

2. Instead of

3. Stop

4. Finish

5. Tired

6. Prevent

7. Interested

8. Worth

9. Insist

10. Can’t help

The infinitive without to

Exercise 65:

Make sentences of your own, using an infinitive after each of the following verbs:
1. Can

2. Could

3. May

4. Might

5. Must

6. Let

7. Make

8. See

9. Hear

10. feel

Wrong position of adverbs

Exercise 66:

Rewrite the following sentences, placing the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the right position:
1. I can speak very well English.

2. I like very much music.

3. A beginner can’t speak correctly English.

4. The teacher explained very well the problem.

5. Michael recorded with his video camera the concert.

6. He put into his pocket the money.

7. He likes very much tea.

8. She learnt by heart the poem.

9. I received from my aunt a nice present.

10. He shut quickly the book.

Exercise 67:

Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. I always am on time.

2. It rains seldom in the desert.

3. We went yesterday there.

4. I’m not enough tall.

5. He begged the teacher to not punish him.

6. I could have not arrived sooner.

7. She will have not finished her work by tomorrow.

8. I prefer usually coffee to tea.

9. They are leaving for London this evening at seven o’clock.10. Peter yesterday did not come to school.

Adverbs often confused

Exercise 68:

Give the correct adverb, very or too, in these sentences:
1. It’s ____ cold today.

2. He’s ____ old to work.

3. I can’t drink that coffee, it’s ____ strong.

4. Sugar is ____ sweet.

5. These trainers are ____ small for me.

6. The Eiffel Tower is ____ high.

7. Concorde flies ____ fast.

8. My little brother is ____young to go to school.

9. I felt ____tired to study.

10. He’s ____rich, he’s a millionaire.

Exercise 69:

Give the correct adverb, very or much, in these sentences:
1. I’m ____ sorry that you can’t come.

2. I was ____ pleased to meet him.

3. She was ____frightened of failing in English.

4. It was a ____amusing game.

5. I feel ____tired.

6. He plays better ____than his brother.

7. Her essay is ____ worse than yours.

8. It’s a ____ interesting book.

9. I was ____interested to hear what Becky said.

10. We’re ____ surprised at the news.

Exercise 70:

Give the correct adverb, very much or too much, in these sentences:
1. I like oranges ____.

2. Thank you ____.

3. I can’t study here, there’s  ____ noise.

4. Tk. 100 is ____ for that book.

5. He ate ____ and felt sick.

6. I was ____ awake when the baby started crying.

7. She talks ____ she’s a chatterbox.

8. I’m ____ obliged to you.

9. She was ____ interested in the subject.

10. She helped us ____.

Exercise 71:

Give the correct adverb, hard or hardly, in these sentences:
1. The country was hit very ____by the drought.

2. I ____know how to thank you for your kindness.

3. He’s ____ recovered from his illness.

4. If you work ____perhaps you’ll succeed.

5. Think ____before you came to a decision.

Exercise 72:

Make five sentences of your own, using the word ago.

Using the wrong preposition

Exercise 73:

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
1. I wasn’t pleased ____her.

2. Cats are afraid ____ dogs.

3. Look ____ this new book.

4. We’re proud ____our country.

5. He feels ashamed ____ his low marks.

6. We arrived ____ the station late.

7. She’s very different ____her sister.

8. Are you satisfied ____your bicycle?

9. I’m not accustomed ____life in a hotel.

10. Many people complain ____their low wages.

Exercise 74:

Rewrite the following sentences, using the correct prepositions:
1. He was accused for lying.

2. I’m surprised from the news.

3. I’m interested for football.

4. Water is composed from oxygen and hydrogen.

5. Are you sure for his honesty.

6. She’s very good in English.

7. When is he leaving to England?

8. That depends entirely from you.

9. She was dressed with a yellow dress.

10. He did his best to comply to the requirements.

Exercise 75:

Write sentences, using the following words with suitable prepositions:
Aim, boast, insist, marry, deprive, die, different, fail, repent, succeed, good, interested, afraid, used, look, satisfied, pleased, ashamed, depend, prefer.

Exercise 76:

Make sentences of your own, showing clearly the difference between the following:
1. Arrive at/ arrive in

2. Angry with/ angry at

3. Pleased with/ pleased at

4. Look at/ look for5. Write with/ write in

6. Divide in/ divide into7. Die of/ die from

8. Disappointed in/ disappointed of

9. Sit at/ sit on10. Tired of/ tired with

Prepositions often confused

Exercise 77:

Use to or at in these sentences:
1. He goes ____ the supermarket every morning.

2. Anne stood ____ the window.

3. Simon is ____ school.

4. I met him ____ the airport.

5. I’ m going ____a party tonight.

6. I enjoyed myself ____ the party.

7. The tourist stayed ____ the Palace Hotel?

8. After his illness, he returned ____work.

9. I saw Lucy ____ the cinema.

10. Please wait for me ____ the gate.

Exercise 78:

Use in or at in these sentences:
1. There are skyscrapers ____ New York.

2. I live ____ a small village.

3. I spent my childhood ____Greece.

4. My friend was born ____ Ceylon.

5. He studied ____ oxford.6. She lives ____ Luxor ____ Egypt.

7. It’s more expensive living ____ London than ____ Brighton.

8. He lives ____Paris.

9. Diamonds are found ____ Kimberley____ South Africa.

10. He lives here ____Hong Kong.

Exercise 79:

Use in or into in these sentences:
1. The fish swim ____the river.

2. The man jumped ____the pool.

3. They were standing ____ the room.

4. We’re ____ the classroom now.

5. There’s a bird ____the cage.

6. We walked ____the next room.

7. The children are playing ____ the field.

8. He poured the water ____ the jug.

9. She drived ____ the sea.

10. The river flows ____ the sea.

Exercise 80:

Use at, in or on in these sentences:
1. He was born ____ 1978.

2. ____ winter the weather is cold.

3. ____ Christmas Day I received a lot of presences.

4. We reached Cairo ____nine o’clock.

5. The train arrived ____ night.

6. There’s a holiday ____the 11th of December.

7. People return from work ____ five o’clock.

8. ____ July the weather is warm.

9. ____the afternoon I went for a walk.

10. The train will arrive ____ Tuesday ____ eleven o’clock ____ the morning.

Exercise 81:

Use between or among in these sentences:
1. The work was shared all ____ of them.

2. He divided the money ____ his three children.

3. He did ____ the trees.

4. The President walked ____the two lines of soldiers.

5. ____ all those children, he didn’t have a single friend.

6. There was a fight ____ the two gangs.

7. The ball passed ____the goal posts.

8. We are ____friends.

9. His subject was ‘Life ____ the Eskimos.

10. The cake was divided ____the two girls.

Exercise 82:

In the following sentences, choose the correct preposition in brackets:
1. He’s been ill (from, since) last Friday.

2. You’ve sold your car (at, for) a good price.

3. I sold my bicycle (at, for) seven thousands tk.

4. I expect to return (after, in) a week.

5. I can wait (to, tilt) next Tuesday.

6. We draw lines (by, with) a ruler.

7. She’s been absent (since, for) a month.

8. They spoke (for, about) the weather.

9. He worked (with, by) candle light.

10. You can send the parcel (with, by) post.

Exercise 83:

Write sentences of your own to show clearly the difference between the following pairs of prepositions:
1. Between/among

2. To/till

3. In/into

4. To/at

5. For/at (piece)

6. With/by

7. For/since

8. For/about

9. In/within

10. At/in

Omission of prepositions

Exercise 84:

Supply the prepositions omitted in the following:
1. Somebody is knocking the door.

2. I’m searching my lost book.

3. He said me, ‘I won’t come.

4. She explained the difficult words him.

5. She never listens her mother.

6. I replied his letter at once.

7. Would you like me to send it you?

8. I’m too busy, I can’t wait you.

9. I asked his phone number.

10. She pointed the ship in the distance.

Exercise 85:

Make sentences of your own, using suitable prepositions after the following:
1. Ask

2. Explain

3. Knock

4. Listen

5. Remind

6. Say

7. Search

8. Speak

9. Wait

10. Wish

Unnecessary prepositions

Exercise 86:

Use each of the following in a separate sentence:
1. Answer

2. Attack

3. Approach

4. Enter

5. Resemble

6. Tell

7. Behind

8. Inside

9. Outside.

10. Around.

Exercise 87:

Fill in the blanks with the prepositions where necessary:
1. Let’s play outside ____ the house.

2. She’ssearching ____ her walkman.

3. I waited ____him outside the cinema.

4. We entered ____ a long discussion.

5. I taught my dog to obey ____me.

6. He entered ____the house by the back door.

7. Twins resemble ____each other.

8. The poor always wish ____riches.

9. I told ____him the truth.

10. I promised to write ____my mother.

Miscellaneous examples

Exercise 88:

Correct the following sentences, giving reasons for your corrections:
1. The book is neither green or red.

2. He can’t speak English and French.

3. It costs two, three tk.

4. She not only spoke loudly, but also clear.

5. He ate and the three oranges.

6. I counted one hundred seven people.

7. She wants to learn and French.

8. He said that, ‘You’ll be sorry for it.

9. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go.

10. From now and on I will work hard.

Confusion of parts of speech

Exercise 89:

Fill each blank with the correct word: as or like.
1. Act ____ a gentleman!

2. He does ____ he pleases.

3. She behaved ____ a baby.

4. She looks ____ her mother.

5. Do ____ he does.

6. Play the game ____ she does.

7. He dances ____ Fred Astaire.

8. You walk ____she does.

9. He acted just ____the rest.

10. He speaks ____ an Englishman.

Exercise 90:

Fill each blank with the correct word: no or not
1. I have ____ time to play.

2. She has ____a good memory.

3. He had ____ reason to be angry.

4. There is ____ enough furniture in this room.

5. Your plan is ____ different from mine.

6. I had ____ patience with him.

7. There were ____fewer than a thousand people.

8. There is ____furniture in this room.

9. She has ____enough money.

10. I want ____more, thank you.

Exercise 91:

Fill in the blanks with the correct word: died or dead.
1. Her grandfather is ____.

2. She ____ of old age.

3. The ____ leaves fell from the trees.

4. Her aunt is ____ she ____ many years age.

5. The soldier ____for his country.

6. The ____ horse is lying in the field.

7. They ____ a cruel death.

8. The flowers have ____.

9. The soldier ____from his wounds.10. Dinosaurs out millions of ____ years ago.

Exercise 92:

Fill each blank with the correct word: it’s or its.
1. The bird has broken ____ wing.

2. I fear ____going to rain.

3. ____ almost nine o’clock.

4. I think ____yours.

5. The tree will soon lose ____leaves.

6. ____time to go home.

7. Every river has ____ source.

8. ____ a long time until Christmas.

9. An animal will often die for ____young.

10. ____ too late to go now.

Exercise 93:

Fill each blank with the correct word: good or well.
1. Mary did her work ____.

2. She speaks ____ English.

3. I did ____in the exam.

4. She looks ____ today.

5. It’s ____ to be with friends.

6. He did ____ work.

7. She didn’t see ____.

8. He has done ____ in his training?

9. I’m quite ____.

10. She speaks very ____.

Exercise 94:

Fill each blank with the correct word: past or passed.
1. The ____ month was wet.

2. He ____his exam.

3. The ball ____ between the goal-posts.

4. The bullet whistled ____ my ear.

5. Several months have ____since he left.

6. Forget the ____.7. The plane flew ____.

8. It’s half ____eight.

9. She ____the salt to the guest.

10. The door was open when I walked ____.

Exercise 95:

Rewrite these sentences, choosing the correct word in brackets:
1. This thing (is, does) not worth more than five tk.

2. (After, then) he shut the door and went to bed.

3. He (is, does) not able to speak English correctly.

4. Don’t be (fool, foolish).

5. He’s a (fool, foolish).

6. Flowers smell (sweet, sweetly).she’s so proud that she doesn’t (and, even) greet her friends.

7. The mother (weighed, weighted) her baby.

8. I want to learn (and) other languages (too).

9. Is it (truth, true)?

General exercise

The numbers in the brackets refer to the sections n which the mistakes are explained.The numbers in the brackets refer to the sections n which the mistakes are explained.Correct whatever is wrong in the following:

1. Why you are studying the English? (362, 306)

2. John reads good, isn’t it? (577, 164). Why you not say the truth? (362, 206)

4. Will I go at the post-office? (396, 379)

5. How to make this problem, sir? (132, 399)

6. Is she more better than me? (340, 153, 137)

7. I’ve written him last week. (114, 241)

8. I past my time too well to the hotel. (584, 455, 379)

9. Let me to try to do this and me. (326, 581)

10. I have never seen a so good film. (374, 556, 263)

11. He’s not ate nothing these two days. (112, 167)

12. When I sleep I take out my shoes. (437, 446)

13. He didn’t obeyed to their advices. (104, 292, 514)

14. She’s going each morning to the school. (121, 468, 315)

15. He works in the office since five years. (117, 392)

16. How you are going with your piano lessons? (362, 218)

17. Can you to come for dinner today evening? (321, 219)

18. My brother he’s found in the first class. (332, 438)

19. It does not worth to say lies about it. (573, 97, 398)

20. I made all which I could for helping him. (399, 145, 165)

21. It’s two years now since she left from England. (118, 291)

22. Please return back to shut the light. (342, 208)

23. Avoid to make these sort of mistakes. (86, 545)

24. Myself and my sister will not be present. (141, 378)

25. He got down from his bicycle and spoke me. (193, 236)

26. He travelled with the train from the Alexandria. (13, 301)

27. She wouldn’t take fewer than hundred tk. (477, 250)

28. The two first pages of my book has been lost. (373, 554)

29. The knife was laying on the table where I lay it. (400)

30. That punishment will learn him to do not do it again. (427, 359)

31. You neither work at school or at your house. (181, 372, 489)

32. I can’t understand because he don’t speak clear. (243, 578)

33. The man which you saw him yesterday is very rich. (144, 336)

34. She said that she’s never not gone at London. (107, 167, 379)

35. I think to go to home for to spend the holidays. (83, 351, 345)

36. The office is open on the morning at Saturday. (383)

37. It’s two years since I began to study the English. (117, 306)

38. She told that she was at Englad before three years. (398, 381, 458)

39. He was angry at me because I said him he has wrong. (6, 398, 107, 187)

40. When I went to home I found that the money was disappeared. (351, 160) 

41. He said to me that he is not satisfied from his teacher. (398, 107, 59)

42. She told that she can’t remember nothing about it. (398, 107, 167)

43. I and he intend to leave to England after two weeks. (378, 44, 394)

44. I am knowing the answer but cannot say it in the English. (120, 306)

45. I rang two times, but I could not make no one to hear. (168, 167, 327)

46. They bought a new house when the baby was born which it cost all their savings. (370, 336)

47. When he will return back, I shall say him everything. (126, 342, 398)

48. I am much pleased to inform you that I have reached to this station yesterday. (456, 114, 294)

49. The British Isles are consisted from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. (301, 19)

50. The English is not only difficult to write it, but also to speak it. (306, 372, 338)

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