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Letter | Telling Your Cousin About An Extraordinary Boy

Bandar, Narayangonj
5 November 2012

Dear Dipu,
It is long since I heard from you. A few days ago I read interesting news about 'Wasiki' published in the Daily Star. Now I am writing about him.

Wasiki is a six-year-old boy from Bangladesh living in the UK with his parents. He is gifted with an extraordinary talent. He started to show a talent for computers since early boyhood. Before the age of four, he became mastered of playing video games and typing in Microsoft Word. He is taught at home because he was above the average level. His English is still limited. He can say few words in Bangla too. Wasiki's mother, Farhana Risha hopes that Wasiki will be mentioned in the Gunnes World Records.
No more today. Write to me. Give my best regards to your parents.

Yours ever

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