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Letter | To The Editor About Load Shedding.

20 May 2015
The Editor,
The Daily Star
Karwan BAzar

Dear sir
I Shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following few lines in the columns of your esteemed daily.

Yours faithfully

Mohiuddin Jilani
On behalf of the people of Kamrangir Char

Load shedding cripples city
The people of kamrangir Char are suffering from acte power crisis problem in the peak hours. Load- shedding occurs in this area eight to ten times a day. This disruption in power supply is severely hampering daily life and business activities. Academic activities of students both at home and education institution are being hampered due to load shedding, Besides, Production at mills and factories, treatment at hospitals and clinics are also suffering badly, in these circumstances, everyone concerned is urged upon to take immediate and effective measures to reduce load- shedding.
(Md. Aminul Islam Farhad)
Hathazari, Chittagong

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