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Paragraph | Partha Pratim Majumdar | For Class 9-12

Partha Pratim Majumder was born in 1954 in Pabna in a culturally enlightened family. He spent most of his childhood in his forefather's home. His forefather's house was of great size. It was situated in a small locality known as Kalachandpara. At that time Kalachandpara was a centre of cultural activities. His father had deep passion for art. Majumder got inspiration for art from his father. The most turning point in his life happened in 1966 when he went to Chandermagar . There he came in touch with another famous artist named Jogesh Dutt. One of the performances of Jogesh Dutt cast magic spell on him. Majumder's turning point of life came in 1979, when he was asked to give a solo performance in Bangladesh Shilpakála Academy. The then French ambassador Loic Moreau happened to be among the audience. Mr. Moreau noticed the talent in Mojumder In 1981, the French Government offered him a scholarship so that he could get professional training in mime. This was the first time that a student was granted a French scholarship in mime. During his three years training period, Majumder practiced 16-18 hours daily till each and every is body would feel like breaking He staged solo performances in England Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and the USA. French, Canadian and American TV channels enthusiastically aired his shows.

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