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Storyteller and The King Story

Once upon a time, there was a person who loved telling stories. He went to visit the King's huge house to tell him stories and make him laugh. The storyteller believed that his stories would make the King happy. So, he started telling a story to the King. The King really enjoyed the story and felt very joyful. He said, "Give that person some money!"

The storyteller was happy about the money and thought, "I should tell another story." He told another story, and just like before, the King became very happy and said, "Give him shiny gold coins!"

This surprised the storyteller, but he was even more excited now. He thought, "I should tell as many stories as I can!" Every time the storyteller told a story, the King would become even happier and say, "Give him precious pearls, give him sparkling diamonds, give him all the valuable things!"

The storyteller was so glad about all the treasures he received. He went back home and told his wife about what happened. They were both very happy.

But as many days passed, the storyteller realized that no one was bringing him the rewards the King had promised. Feeling confused, he went back to the King's palace to ask about it.

He said, "My dear King, I've been waiting for a long time, but I haven't received the rewards you promised me."

The King replied, "Well, everything here is going fine. But I'm not sure what rewards you're talking about. Can you explain?"

The storyteller explained, "Remember, in our last meeting, my stories made you happy, and you said you would reward me with gold, coins, pearls, and diamonds."

The King chuckled and said, "Oh, I see the confusion. It wasn't a trade where I give you something for your stories. Your stories made me feel so good that I said those things to make you feel good in return."

And so, the storyteller understood that the King's words were meant to show his appreciation and happiness, not a promise of actual rewards. He felt happy to have brought joy to the King and went back home with a smile.
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