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Paragraph | My Favourite Teacher | For Class 9-12

Mr. Ahmed, headmaster of our school, is our English teacher. He is 30 with a good health. He is a brilliant scholar with a sound academic career. He is an M.A. in English. His method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday he us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy: He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. In the classroom he is just like an English man. His pronunciation is good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. In his class he creates an English environment. We never feel bored in his class. Rather we fee encouraged in his class. He is very well behaved and co-operative. He is never rude but friendly with his students. If any student fails to understand any grammatical problem, he then and there helps the student to understand it. He is very kind hearted to the poor students, He is honest, sincere and dutiful. He is very strict about law and his principles He has left a permanent impression on my mind. He is my best teacher, guide and friend.

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