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Story | Slow And Steady Wins The Race / The Hare And Tortoise | For Class 9-12

Once there lived a hare and a tortoise in a certain place. The hare was proud of his foot and he used to ridicule the tortoise for its slow pace. Time and again the hare used to throw challenge to the tortoise. The tortoise being tired of such challenging moods once accepted the challenge. He said, "Though I am slow, yet I will beat you in a race. The hare laughed and negligently agreed to run a race. The race began. The are. from the beginning, started running at the top speed and soon left the tortoise far behind. Crossing almost half of the distance the hare looked back. He found no sign ot the tortoise. The hare smiled and said to himself, "I am really a fool. I have run so fast nothing. I am perhaps ten times as fast as a tortoise. Why should I run so fast in the hot sun with the slow speed tortoise? I will start again when the tortoise will about to catch me and before that I can take rest for a while." The hare took rest and at one point he fell asleep. On the contrary, the tortoise continued running as fast as he could. On the way he found the hare sleeping and silently ran past him. While the hare was sleeping, the tortoise came near the destination. In the mean time, the hare woke up and started running very fast. But he was too late. When he reached near the destination, he found the tortoise sitting on the last line i.e. the goal. The hare had no way to defeat the tortoise and he failed. Winning the race the tortoise became very happy and the hare felt ashamed of his tall talk. So, we should be great through our deeds and not by tall talks.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous April 4, 2023 at 10:38 PM

    Thanks a lot. Nice Writing ❤️❤️

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