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Story | Who'll Bell The Cat | For Class 9-12

Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats. The house became like the Hamelin. There were rats everywhere. They were having a good time. But the members could not enjoy a sound sleep. Even the little babies were not free from the attack and biting of the rats. The rats would take away foods, cut cloths and tear holes her there. All the members were in great trouble. At last the owner of the house hit plan. He knew that rats would run away at the sight of cats. So, he bought a cat. The mice were very afraid of the cat. They fell in a great difficulty because they could n move freely as before. So, a few days later, all the mice held a meeting to discuss the matter and find a way to be free from this danger. Several proposals were made h one of the proposal was good enough to accept. At one point, it seemed to them that they had to finish the meeting without finding any fruitful measure. Right at that moment, a young mouse rose to speak and said, "I have a good plan for your consideration. Let us tie a bell round the cat's neck. Then we will hear him coming and e to hide ourselves in time." All the mice appreciated the young mouse for h good plan and thanked him. At last, an old mouse stood up and said, "No doubt the idea of the young mouse is good. But who will tie the bell?" Hearing this, all the mice remained silent and felt disappointed. They understood it very well that it's really very dangerous to tie the bell round a cat's neck and he who will go to implement this task At last the meeting ended without finding any way out and they had nothing to do but to migrate eventually.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 3, 2023 at 10:37 PM

    Hate it

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