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Grammar | Parts Of Speech চেনার নিয়ম

চেনার উপায়

Noun: ion, nce, ness, ty, cy, ment, hood, ship, dom, ism, th এবং to be verb ছাড়া ing যুক্ত verb.

Pronoun: I, we, you, he, she, they, it etc.

Adjective: ic, ive, ous, less, ful, al, ble, to be verb ছাড়া pp, সকল সংখ্যা, রং এবং degree.

ব্যতিক্রম Adjective: amazing, interesting, charming, exciting, lovely, homely, friendly, lonely, costly etc.

Preposition: at, in, into, to, up, upon, on, by, for, from, of, off, with, without, within, after, before, along, among, between, about, beside, besides, against, over, above, under, down, below, behind, across, via etc.

Note:  সকল preposition এর পরে verb বসলে gerund হয়। শুধুমাত্র to এর পরে fv বসে।

Conjunction: and, but, or, since, as, because, though, although, if, unless, till, until, while, as if, as though, so, therefore, as soon as, so that, so…that, either…or, neither…nor, hardly/scarcely had…when, not only…but also, no sooner had…than, both…and, lest…should etc.

Interjection: যে সকল শব্দের পরে (!) চিহ্ন বসে।

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