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Paragraph | Our Neighboring Countries

Neighboring country means countries that are nearer of a country. Bangladesh has some neighboring countries that play important role for its socio economic condition. India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, The Maldives and Bhutan are our neighboring countries. India is our closet neighbor. It is the largest country among south Asian countries. In fact, India is the seventh largest country in the world with an area of 3,287,590 square kilometers. Nepal lies between India and the Tibetan part of China which land area is 147,181 square kilometers. It is known as the land of Everest and one of the most charming countries in Asia. Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean, just off the south-eastern coast of India. Many travellers, from ancient mariners and merchants to modern astronauts, have been attracted by the beauty of this island. The republic of Maldives is an inland country in the Indian Ocean which has 1199 islands that are clustered into 26 major atolls. The Maldives stands at eighth position amongst the smallest countries in the world with an area of 300 square kilometers only. Bhutan is located along the southern slopes of the Himalayan range, bounded by Tibet in the North and India from the other sides. Pure mountain air, crystal blue skies and pristine vegetation cover have made this small country an ideal destination for the environment lovers. Development of a country depends on the relationship with neighboring countries of this country.
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