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Greenhouse Effect Paragraph For Any Class

In the coming days, something bad might happen. The Earth's air could slowly get warmer because of something called the "greenhouse effect." This happens when there's more carbon dioxide in the air. Scientists are really worried about this natural event. Lately, there have been many scary reports that say the world's weather is changing a lot. These reports show strong proof that the world's temperatures are going up more and more each day. This warming is called "global warming," and it's caused by having too much carbon dioxide around the Earth.

Most weather experts think that the "greenhouse effect" is the main reason for this global warming. These experts guess that by the middle of the next hundred years, temperatures might rise by as much as 40 degrees Celsius. This could cause huge problems. It might become really hard to grow food, animals and wild places might get hurt or even ruined, the oceans might rise and cover the coasts and farmland. Because of this, the lower parts of some countries might end up underwater, including the southern part of our country.

Scientists are now trying to get rid of really harmful things called radioactive elements. These things can hurt people a lot. Actually, their bad effects are so big that they're talked about a lot these days. Because of the danger, a group called the United Nations Environmental Programme chose June 5th as World Environment Day every year. They want to find good ways to solve these problems. They're having meetings all over the world to help people know about the danger that could happen to people. We should follow the ideas to make the world better and keep life safe on this wonderful planet.
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