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Write A Letter To Your Friend Advising Him To Give Up Smoking

September 24, 2019

Hello Salam,

I hope you're doing well with Allah's blessings. I heard from a trustworthy source that you've started smoking. I was really surprised when I found out. Do you know about the bad things smoking can do to your health? Cigarettes have something called nicotine, and it's really not good for your body. This nicotine travels in your blood and goes right to your brain. It can hurt your heart, arteries, and lungs too. So, I'm asking you, please stop smoking. It's better to quit now before it becomes a big problem. I'm praying that Allah helps you leave this bad habit behind.

Take care and let your parents know I said hi. Send my love to your younger siblings too.

Your good friend,

Now, draw an envelope and write down the addresses of both the sender and the receiver:

[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Date: September 24, 2019]

[Recipient's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
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