Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him About What You Intend To Do After The SSC Examination
January 1, 2020
Hello Limon,
I hope you're having good days. In your last letter, you asked me what I'll do after my exams. Well, I've decided that after the exams, I'm going to my village. I have a three-month break from school. During this time, I'm planning to start a place where adults who can't read and write can learn. This will be in my village. I want to help them learn and become literate. I also want to teach them about staying healthy and clean. I'll work to help them understand that some ideas they have might not be true. Additionally, I want to show them that getting married very young and treating boys and girls differently isn't a good idea. I'll spend around two and a half months doing these things. After that, I'll visit my family members. So, in short, these are my plans after the exams.
Please give my best wishes to your parents and send my love to your younger siblings.
Always yours,
Helal [Your Full Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Limon [Recipient's Full Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Please remember to fill in your actual addresses in the placeholders above.