Dowry Paragraph
The dowry system is a harmful tradition that has been around in our country for a long time. Dowry is when the bride or her family gives a large amount of money or property to the groom when they get married. This is not good because it makes the bride and her family suffer, while the groom benefits. One big reason for dowry is poverty. When people are poor, the groom might ask for money from the bride's family without feeling ashamed. Sometimes, even rich families are involved in dowry. In those cases, it's because the groom and his family are greedy.
Dowry happens because some people think women are not as good as men. This is wrong. In our society, people might see dowry as a punishment that the bride has to pay to the groom. Another reason for dowry is the groom's desire for easy money. Dowry causes a lot of problems in society. It has many bad effects. Wives are sometimes treated badly, and even hurt or killed, if they don't bring enough dowry.
I believe the dowry system is very shameful for society and humanity. To stop dowry, the government needs to enforce strict rules against it. People involved in giving or taking dowry, including the bride and groom, should be punished and rejected by society. We need to make people aware of this problem and protest against it. It's good to know that many government and non-government groups are working to end this bad tradition.