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Every student should have a daily plan. I am a student too, and I also stick to a set routine. I wake up at 5 in the morning, then take care of my bathroom needs and get ready for the Fazr prayer. Once I'm done with that, I do my prayers and read from the Holy Koran. Then, I go out for a walk for about an hour. When I come back, I wash my hands and face, and eat breakfast. After breakfast, I spend around an hour studying my lessons.

I take a bath and head to college at 9 in the morning. Classes start at 9:30 and finish at 4 in the afternoon. When I'm back from college, I eat lunch and rest for about an hour. After that, I go to the nearby playground to play different games. Football is my favorite, so I often play it with my friends in the afternoon. Despite being busy, I always make sure to pray on time. Before the sun sets, I return home, pray Maghreb, have a light snack, and then study my lessons.

I pray again at 9 in the evening and then have dinner. After dinner, I watch some educational programs on TV for about an hour. Then, I go back to studying until around midnight. Finally, I go to bed and sleep well. I always try my best to stick to this routine. I believe that having a routine is important for every student. If you don't have a routine, it's hard to succeed in life.
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