A dialogue about the merits and demerits of mobile phone
Myself: Hey Ishmam, you seem really happy. What's going on?
Ishmam: I just got myself a new mobile phone, and I couldn't be happier!
Myself: That's great news! Tell me about the advantages of having a mobile phone.
Ishmam: Of course! A mobile phone is a vital communication tool, allowing us to connect with people quickly and easily.
Myself: That's awesome! Who benefits the most from using a mobile phone?
Ishmam: Well, businessmen, service holders, doctors, and officials find it especially beneficial for their work and daily activities.
Myself: Very interesting! But are there any drawbacks to using a mobile phone?
Ishmam: Unfortunately, yes. Criminals sometimes misuse mobile phones for their illegal activities, and spam or missed calls can be quite annoying for the recipients.
Myself: Thank you for sharing this valuable information with me.
Ishmam: You're welcome. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!