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Dialogue about the benefits of early

Kabir: Hey there, Rakib.
Rakib: Oh, hi Kabir.
Kabir: What's bothering you? You seem worried.
Rakib: I'm concerned about my results; I'm not scoring well.
Kabir: Oh, why is that?
Rakib: I can't finish studying on time.
Kabir: Is it because you wake up late in the morning?
Rakib: Yes, but what's wrong with that?
Kabir: Well, if you wake up early, you'll have enough time to complete your studies.
Rakib: Are there other advantages?
Kabir: Absolutely! Early mornings offer fresh air and a chance to do some physical exercises. Moreover, it's a calm environment that helps you focus better on your studies.
Rakib: Do you wake up early in the morning?
Kabir: Yes, I do. Alright then, thank you.
Rakib: You're welcome.
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