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Happiness Lies in Contentment Story

Once there was a cheerful shoemaker who spent his days working and singing happily. One day, a wealthy businessman who lived nearby asked him, "How much do you earn in a year?" The shoemaker replied that he never saved up a year's worth of income and didn't even know how many days were in a year. This surprised the businessman, who then asked what the shoemaker did with his money. The shoemaker explained that he lived day by day, using whatever money he earned each day to get by. He didn't need many things and wasn't interested in having more than he already had. So, not having a lot of money didn't stop him from being happy.

This made the businessman think deeply. He sighed and said to himself, "I feel so helpless." The businessman owned a lot of property, but he was always dissatisfied and constantly wanted more wealth, which made him unhappy. He realized that his possessions didn't bring him real peace. He felt like he was actually poorer than the shoemaker in a way. So, he decided to find happiness by giving away his riches to help the poor. The truth was, happiness isn't something you can have just by having a lot of things. It's different for everyone, and owning a lot of property doesn't necessarily make you happy.
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