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Paragraph Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means using harmful substances a lot, which is really bad for health. This is a big problem in our society, especially in towns. Many young people are getting addicted to drugs, which is bad for them and our whole country. When someone uses drugs a lot, they get addicted and feel like they need it all the time. This is really bad. There are reasons why people get addicted, like feeling sad, being around bad friends, finding drugs easily, not having a job, having trouble in love, not caring about religion, and having problems in the family.

Drugs cost a lot of money. So, some addicted people do bad things like stealing, hurting others, and even killing. Drugs are also brought into the country illegally by smugglers, who do this business secretly. That's why this addiction problem is everywhere in the world. 

Using drugs a lot is really bad for our bodies. It messes up how our body works and affects our brain. It can make us weak, forgetful, sick, and even damage our brain. It can also make people act in a mean way. But we can't let this drug problem continue. We all need to work together to stop it.

First, we need to tell people about how bad drugs are and how they can hurt our lives. TV, radio, and newspapers can help with this. We should also talk about it in schools and colleges. We need to stop drugs from being available. People who bring drugs into the country should be punished a lot, so others won't do it. The government can't fix this alone. We all need to help and work with the government to solve this problem and make our society better.
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