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Slow & Steady Wins The Race Story

A long time ago, there was a hare living in a forest. Not far away, there was a tortoise too. The hare always made fun of the tortoise and was quite proud. One day, the hare and the tortoise were both heading back to their homes. The tortoise was going slowly and calmly, not bothering the hare. But then, the hare stopped the tortoise and said, "You're so slow! I can't believe how slow you are." Hearing this, the tortoise responded, "Even if you're as fast as the wind, I can still beat you in a race." The hare thought the tortoise's claim was impossible, but agreed to the challenge. They decided that a fox would pick the race route and set the finish line.

On the race day, they began together. The tortoise kept going steadily without stopping, moving slowly but consistently all the way to the end of the route. The hare, thinking he was so fast, didn't take the race seriously. He lay down by the side of the path and fell asleep. Eventually, when he woke up and realized what was happening, he rushed as fast as he could. But by that time, the tortoise had already reached the finish line and was resting comfortably after the effort.
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