The Selfish Bat and The Beast
Once upon a time, there was a big fight between the birds and the animals. All the birds fought really hard against the animals, and the animals fought back fiercely. The bats were unsure about what to do. They thought, "Should we help the birds because we can fly, or should we help the animals because we don't lay eggs? Maybe we should wait and see who wins before we decide."
At one point, the birds seemed to be winning. So, the bats decided, "Now is the right time, let's help the birds." But things changed. Suddenly, the animals got stronger and started winning. So, the bats switched and started supporting the animals instead.
After a long time, the fight ended, and the birds and animals reached an agreement. However, they both forgot about the bats. The bats had to find homes in holes and only come out when it was getting dark, because that's when the daytime birds and animals were back home and the nighttime animals and birds were still in their homes.
The lesson from this story is that being a friend only when things are going well is not a good thing to do, and people might not like it.