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A School Magazine Paragraph

A school magazine is like a special book made by the teachers and students of a school. Almost every good school makes a magazine every year. It shows what life is like in the school and how clever the students are. Inside, there are poems, articles, and short stories. The teachers and students write all of them. Making a school magazine is not easy. The person in charge and their helpers have to work really hard to make it. They ask students and teachers to send their writings. Then, a group of people decide which ones are good enough to print. 

The school magazine does many good things. The most important is that it helps students show how creative they are, which can make them great writers someday. When a student sees their own writing in the magazine, they feel proud and happy. The magazine also shows what students are learning and doing in the school, both in classes and other activities. It's like a treasure for the students. They can learn a lot from it. In simple words, the school magazine is a way to see what the school is like.
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