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A Wise Judge Story

Once upon a time, there was a shiny necklace that went missing from a rich man's house. The house had a few workers who helped with tasks. It was natural to think that one of these workers might have taken the necklace. The owner of the house went to a Judge and told them what happened. The Judge called all the workers to the courtroom. However, each of the workers said they didn't take the necklace. 

The Judge came up with a clever idea. The Judge gave every worker a stick that was the same length and told them to bring back the sticks the next day. The Judge explained that the person who took the necklace would have their stick grow by an inch overnight. When the workers went home, most of them kept their sticks the same. But the worker who had taken the necklace made their stick an inch shorter. 

The following day, when everyone showed their sticks to the Judge, it was clear that one stick was shorter. This showed who the thief was, and they were punished accordingly. The Judge's clever plan helped solve the problem.
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