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Don't Believe A Flatterer Story

Don't Trust Someone Who Compliments You Too Much
The Cunning Fox and The Crow

Once upon a time, there was a crow that snatched a piece of meat from a child on a farm. It flew up to a tree to enjoy its prize. Nearby, a fox happened to be passing by. It spotted the delicious meat held by the crow and felt a strong urge to have it for itself. 

The fox came up with a clever plan. It decided to flatter the crow to get what it wanted. "Hello there, Mr. Crow," the fox greeted with a smile. "I've heard from everyone that you have the most beautiful singing voice. Would you be so kind as to bless me with a song?" The crow, feeling proud and pleased by the compliments, agreed to showcase its singing talents.

As the crow opened its beak to sing, the piece of meat slipped from its grip and fell to the ground. The cunning fox quickly seized the opportunity, grabbed the meat, and made a swift getaway. The crow realized its mistake far too late, understanding that it had been deceived by the fox's flattery.

From that day forward, the crow decided to be cautious and not trust those who showered excessive praise, knowing that not all compliments come from genuine intentions.
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