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He Prayeth Best Who Loveth Best Both Great Or Small Story

A long time ago, there lived a good and religious man named Abu-Ben-Adhem. One night, he was sleeping peacefully when he suddenly woke up. To his surprise, he saw an angel in his room. This angel was busy writing down the names of people who loved God deeply.

Curious and concerned about his own name, Abu-Ben-Adhem asked the angel if his name was on the list. Unfortunately, the angel replied that his name was not there. However, Abu-Ben-Adhem didn't lose hope. He told the angel that he truly loved all people, whether they were important or not. He cared about everyone, and he wanted his name to be included in the list.

The kind-hearted angel listened to Abu's request and left. The next night, the angel returned. This time, he showed Abu-Ben-Adhem that his name was not only on the list but it was right at the very top. This meant that God had blessed him for his genuine love and care for all of humanity.
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