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The Judgement of King Solomon Story

Once upon a time, in a village, there were two women. One of them had a baby, but the other woman said the baby was hers. This caused a big fight between them. They didn't know how to solve the problem. Finally, they went to King Solomon, who was a very clever and fair king. He was known for finding the truth and solving problems.

When King Solomon saw that both women were arguing about the baby, he had an idea. He asked one of his helpers to cut the baby into two equal parts and give one part to each woman. The first woman didn't agree with this idea, but the second woman cried out, "Please don't hurt the baby! I would rather let her have it all." This showed King Solomon who the real mother was.

King Solomon realized that the woman who cared so much about the baby's safety was the true mother. So, he gave the baby to the second woman and punished the first woman by sending her to prison.
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