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The King and The People of Gotham Story

A really long time ago, there was a situation where folks weren't too happy about their king coming to visit their villages. Whenever a king stepped foot on their land, folks believed he would take ownership of it forever. Because of this, there was a time when the people of Gotham didn't let King John visit. This made the king quite upset, and he sent his officials to give them a penalty for being impolite.

But the people of Gotham had a clever plan to make the king regret his decision. When the officials arrived in Gotham, they saw lots of odd things going on. Some guys were trying to make a fish stop moving by putting it into a bowl of water. Others were sending their veggies down a hill, hoping they would magically find their own way to the market. There were even men constructing a wall around a tree to trap the birds that were singing in it.

Everyone seemed to be doing silly things, and the officials thought that Gotham was a village full of foolish people. Because of this, the people were never punished by the king's officials.
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