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Paragraph on Arsenic Pollution

In our daily lives, we are facing a new type of problem. Our environment is being affected by a new kind of pollution called arsenic pollution. Arsenic is a chemical element. Currently, the issue of arsenic pollution is well-known in Bangladesh and has become a major problem. This pollution is causing a lot of harm to human life, especially when it is found in water, particularly in tube wells. People are affected by arsenic when they drink this contaminated water. However, washing hands, clothes, and bathing in this water are not harmful. Arsenic poisoning is a slow process that occurs over time as the poison gradually builds up in the human body. Eventually, a person affected by arsenic starts experiencing symptoms. They lose their energy for work and their skin on the palms, legs, and back becomes irritated, which can lead to skin cancer. Arsenic contamination is like a social cancer. Many girls who have been affected by arsenic and are married end up getting divorced. The affected individuals cannot freely interact with others in various places, and they struggle to work with the same energy as before. It is important to take necessary actions to tackle this problem. All tube wells should be examined by the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), and if arsenic is found, people should not drink water from that tube well. It should be marked with a red cross to indicate the danger. We can drink pure rainwater and make water from rivers and ponds safe to drink by using filters. We can also purify water contaminated with arsenic through a chemical process. A balanced diet that includes fish and vegetables can be an initial treatment for arsenicosis. Additionally, it is believed that vitamins A, C, and E are effective in treating arsenicosis. However, these are not permanent solutions to the problem. The government should take more effective measures to eliminate the threat of arsenic pollution from the country. Otherwise, our people will continue to suffer from it in the long term.

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