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Paragraph on Your Childhood Memories

The time from when you are five to fifteen years old is called childhood. It is the most fun and interesting period in our lives. Everyone has some special memories from their childhood, and I have some too. My childhood was really enjoyable. I spent it in my hometown near the Meghna river. My grandfather loved me very much. He would bring me nice toys and dolls. He used to tell me interesting stories that made me very happy. My father would buy me nice clothes. One of the most unforgettable moments of my childhood was my first day of school. My parents paid a lot of attention to my studies. One day, my father took me to our village primary school. I was very scared at first, but soon I became comfortable with my caring teachers and dear classmates.

My teachers were very friendly, kind, and loving. My classmates were playful and helpful. We never fought with each other. We used to play games like Gollachut, Kanamachhi, Bho Bho, and even had fun with pretend cock fights. I really enjoyed fishing and swimming in the Meghna river. My mother never scolded me for any mistakes I made. When I think about my childhood memories, it brings me joy. I sometimes wish I could be a child again.

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